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How do you attach a petpetpet?


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its LOTS of refreshing :( no easy way about it. http://www.thedailyneopets.com/articles/attaching-petpetpets/


just remember, don't leave a book on your refresh key and wander off, sadly its you who has to refresh, and take a break every now and then. :P


TNT frown on the *heavy object on the refresh key method* as to them, it looks like an auto-refresh program: which can get your account frozen for breaking the rules. believe there are a few editorial statements about this.


also Pant devil attacks are a real possibility, so make sure you have a bunch of junk in your inventory as well, and the pet, and petpet that you want it to attach to as your active pet.


petpetpets will disappear if you remove the petpet from your pet, so make sure you are sure that's the pet, petpet and petpetpet combo you want ;)


good luck!

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Thanks for all that info, it's really helpful. Hopefully it'll happen sooner rather than later, but I never have luck with random events!


My inventory is stocked, but the Pant Devil's not a huge deal. Buying another petpetpet would be much cheaper than if Boochi randomly attacked, that's what I'm most worried about!


Update: Aha! It's attached :D

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You have to refresh your inventory for a lot of times,it doesn't matter how much,it wouldn't work for me...I tried it once with some weird petpetpet,but I kept refreshing... :sad01_anim: Hey you might be able to get it!

EDIT: Oh,wait you got it?Good Job!

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