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I've posted about what's happening in my life once before and it really helped talking to everyone about it and seeing what everyone had to say. I recently found out (like today) that my grandfather passed away in July of this year. No one bothered to tell me, no one bothered to call me or my mom. No one bothered to let me say goodbye to my grandfather one last time. I had to find out by my mother googling my father to see if he was arrested again. I... am basically some mistake that was just scratch from my family tree. I feel useless and alone and terribly hurt. The fact that I had to email the funeral home for his obituary... I'm his granddaughter. I am the little girl that he used to spend weekends with. I was everything to him and my grandmother and I didn't even get a phone call.


I just... don't know what to do.

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I have to keep this short as I have to leave for a bit. I just want to let you know how terribley sorry I am. I promise to come back to this board in a couple hours and actually offer some real advice, or perhaps you'd prefer a pm? In the mean-time, please remain strong.


Gosh, I'm so very sorry.

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Oh man. I'm so sorry :( I don't really have anything helpful to contribute with, because... Well, what are you supposed to do in such a situation. I'd probably react the same way you are.

I hope you find a way to work though it. I know it's an incredible loss, so it's not something you just do. But I wish the best for you. Don't hold back if you need to unload, I know that many of us here will be supportive :)

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My mother, several years ago, sent me an EMAIL to tell me that my grandmother died. She did, in fact, have my phone number. A number of things were offensive in said email, including her telling me to talk to my cousin if I had troubles, and also, there would obviously be no way for me to make it to the funeral.

It was so, so hurtful and cold, and callous. I can totally relate to your feelings. Anything you're feeling you've totally got a right to feel! So you have my sympathies, not only for how callously you've been treated, but for your incredible loss. I obviously don't know you but I want to offer you virtual hugs.

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My father doesn't "forget" he drinks himself to the point of "not knowing" left from right or if his father is dead or alive. I wish for ONE day he would be sober. One. Well, one where he isn't in jail.




@Zombiiesque - Thank you. I would say its nice to know that I'm not alone but nothing about the situation is nice except for the fact that my mother is trying to be as supportive and loving as possible. I keep telling myself not to send my uncle a dirty email but the more alcohol, the more I want to. I know reacting with drinking probably isn't the best idea considering my father's past but, frankly, I don't care. I don't drink every day (by ANY means) and it tastes good.

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I am really sorry to hear that your grandfather passed. And I know it must feel horrible not knowing until now. I am so sorry.

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