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Could someone please explain 'pet trading' a little more in depth?


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I know pet-trading is pretty self-explanatory. What I'm curious about is all the different abbreviations that are used as well as how the rarity of some pets would affect what someone would take for them. I've heard people say things like 'UFC' and 'MSP" among others. I know what UFT and UFA mean, but that's about it. :P


I'm assuming the rarity of the pet has to do with how expensive the color is and if it's limited edition or not.


I'm really just curious for future trades, once I have the lab map. & Also because I have a baby koi up for trade that no one has asked about. I have no idea what to take in return. I know they are not very rare or worth much, but *sigh*. I was hoping to get something I at least kinda like, as I put a lot of work into her as far as fishing skill and reading books to her. I just don't want her anymore because I hate the name, and don't really like the color anymore. That's a bit off-topic though.


Thank you guys for any help you can give. I apologize in advance for bombarding the forums with questions. Insomnia is kicking in and I have nothing better to do. I feel like there is still so much about neopets I don't know. Idk how much longer I should expect to feel like such a noob. :P

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You should take a look at TDN's very own TNAATP (The Neopian Acronyms And Terms Page) http://www.thedailyn...rticles/tnaatp/

As for MSP, it stands for Malevolent Sentient Poogle (or plushie, as in Malevolent Sentient Plushie Poogle, because I *think* that's what it says when a poogle is MSP. Or it's the other way around. I'm confused now).

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I'm assuming 'Malevolent Sentient Poogle' is a rare color of poogle? Is that what the plushie color is called on a poogle? Thank you for the guide. Reading over it right now. :P

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I've done a bit of pet trading so might be able to help a wee bit :) There are quite a few abbreviations it can get quite confusing XP


I have nooo idea what UFC means, but MSP is short for Malevolent Sentient Plushie and is a type of Poogle you can get. ^^


VWN = Very well named. This means short, with a capital letter at the beginning and easy to pronounce; Xxxxx

WN = Well named. Longer, but still with a capital letter.

DN = Decently named. Sometimes quite long, or has an underscore or a number in there somewhere.

BN = Badly named. Basically something like ___littleang1l__


Other things you might see are RW/RN which are real word and real named pets.


I'm not sure what you could get for your Koi, I don't have much experience in converted pet trading, I mostly trade for names, but you could always make a board on the PC and see what the majority thinks? I've found that very helpful in the past when trying to trade my pets.


I would say though that if you're planning on trading using the lab map, try and get as short a name as you possibly can with it still being pronounceable.


Hope this helps slightly xP

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I've done a bit of pet trading so might be able to help a wee bit :) There are quite a few abbreviations it can get quite confusing XP


I have nooo idea what UFC means, but MSP is short for Malevolent Sentient Plushie and is a type of Poogle you can get. ^^


VWN = Very well named. This means short, with a capital letter at the beginning and easy to pronounce; Xxxxx

WN = Well named. Longer, but still with a capital letter.

DN = Decently named. Sometimes quite long, or has an underscore or a number in there somewhere.

BN = Badly named. Basically something like ___littleang1l__


Other things you might see are RW/RN which are real word and real named pets.


I'm not sure what you could get for your Koi, I don't have much experience in converted pet trading, I mostly trade for names, but you could always make a board on the PC and see what the majority thinks? I've found that very helpful in the past when trying to trade my pets.


I would say though that if you're planning on trading using the lab map, try and get as short a name as you possibly can with it still being pronounceable.


Hope this helps slightly xP


This does help a lot Saxen! Thank you! ^_^ What are 'real world' and 'real named pets' though? Oh and what is the difference between converted and unconverted pets? I'm assuming converted means... that it was painted? But I figured most people wouldn't trade pets unless they are painted or a limited edition, otherwise what's the point? Edit: Nevermind. I just saw where you said you usually trade for names, that makes sense.


Oh, and that tip for the Lab Ray was quite helpful. Does that mean I should 'create' a labrat versus adopting one? That way I can assure it has a decent name? I'm assuming that's quite a big deal for people, so perhaps that's why I've had no offers on my koi. (She has an underscore in her name.)

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real word: e.g. Spinach

real name: e.g. Jane


they can be in other languages too, especially if they have meaning, they can be of interest to people unable to get a version of the petname. so you might see people trading xxx the Japanese RW/RN pet etc.


there are a few sites out there which will show you some nice named pets "Stuck" in the Pound. Poundsurfing is a good way to find pets, but there are loads of really badly named ones in there, its often faster to make your own, but you can find some amazing names/pets in the Pound too :)

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When they implemented the option of customization, they had to redraw the pets, so that every colour of every species used the same model and would wear the clothes the same way (babies, mutants and maraquans are excluded in this and can only wear clothing designed for their types). The users had the option of converting their pets if they wanted to customize them. Those who opted not to convert are now the proud owners of an unconverted pet (or more). You can no longer create unconverted pets, so they're pretty rare and very coveted.

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The purge is happening at the moment so there are bound to be plenty of short names available in the coming weeks :) (I don't know if you know what purging is, but basically inactive accounts are being deleted at the moment, and a lot of the very nice names are on those accounts so they're now becoming available again :D)


It might be worth writing down a few names that you like and checking them out to see if they're creatable. I've got a couple of names that I'm stalking that I really hope will be purged this year :K


That may be why you haven't had any offers perhaps, people can be quite name-picky these days. :(


Was a bit late on this! I apologise.

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I didn't know what purging meant, so thanks for clearing that up. I'll be keeping that in mind in the next coming weeks when I decide to make a labrat. I have one pet who is just a regular meerca, but I love love love her name 'Cheshiree'. I don't really know why. I'd really prefer to trade my baby koi rather than just adopt her out. She was my first pet, so I've spent quite a bit of time on her. I hope I find someone who wants her. Perhaps I should just trade her out for a pet with a better name/stats. Idk.


Thank you Saxen. Hope you're doing well btw. :3

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It's all very complex. I had only traded once - my UC Mutant Hissi for a Maraquan Draik. I think the value was on equal terms, because on websites which explained the rarity, UC Mutants aren't very valuable or desired. Nowadays, I'm not sure one could trade a UC for a Draik. Regardless, I know Plushies tend to be of most value, while it starts to decrease from there. I don't think Koi's, despite being Limited Edition, are a commonly desired Neopet. I have a well named Chomby that no one seems to desire, either. :( People usually look out for UC's, or grand painted Plushie/Royal/Maraquan Neopets.

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