morgennaraene Posted October 2, 2012 Posted October 2, 2012 So.. They still haven't been able to figure out WHAT is going on with me.. I thought it was a stone, THEY were almost positive it was too, but the CT scan said no.. CLASSIC symptoms and I'm still in pain, still sick to my stomach and there's still blood showing up in my whizz. Saw the urologist today and he's gonna go in and have a look; this will be the 3rd time in my life that I've had this particular procedure, my 10th surgery overall in the last 20 years.. I know that there's so many other people out there who have it way worse off than I, but that doesn't make me feel any less miserable about it :P I'm just tired and grumpy and feel like crap, all I want is to feel better again.. Fortunately it's a day surgery, I go in at 8, procedure at 10, home later that day.. I'll let y'all know how it goes, wish me luck! Quote
Rebecca~ Posted October 2, 2012 Posted October 2, 2012 Best of luck, hun! I hope the surgery goes well, and you wake up with no pain aside from the normal "ow, surgery" pain, and that all of that goes away soon too! :D Hugs if you want them! Quote
vyvren Posted October 2, 2012 Posted October 2, 2012 I'm sorry you have to get another surgery (and even more so that your doctors still don't know what's wrong :( ) I think you're all kinds of amazing for being in such good a mood despite all the surgery (as good a mood as you possibly can be!). I hope this surgery will be "the one". ♥ Quote
Saxen Posted October 2, 2012 Posted October 2, 2012 I'm so sorry you have to go through this hun :( I wish you the best of luck, and really hope they find out what's going on this time. Much love xx Quote
karmacow Posted October 2, 2012 Posted October 2, 2012 10th?! That's nuts. I hope they'll finally figure out what's up. Quote
Haliaetus Posted October 2, 2012 Posted October 2, 2012 Sorry to hear that you're going through this. :( Hopefully they'll be able to figure out what's going on with you soon. In the meantime, hope you feel better! Quote
Mine turtle Posted October 2, 2012 Posted October 2, 2012 Aww sorry to hear about the same things happend to my science teacher he's gonna be out for 2½ weeks now He avery nice guy hope you get well soon! Quote
~Xandria Posted October 3, 2012 Posted October 3, 2012 As you can see from the replies, we are all very supportive and wish you the best of luck. As others have stated, I am so very sorry you have to go through this. :sad01_anim: I hope they are doing the best they can to keep you out of pain. Please do update us when you get the chance. (hugs!) :wub_anim: Quote
morgennaraene Posted October 6, 2012 Author Posted October 6, 2012 Thanks for all the support and hugs, definitely makes me feel good :) Unfortunately the surgery did not go very well.. He ended up putting a "stint" in, to open up the ureter (tube that connects your kidney to your bladder) hoping that would help me pass whatever is in there, but from the second I woke up I was in even worse pain than when this whole thing started, still throwing up and there's been massive amounts of blood in my whizz again along with blood clots now too.. I was in so much pain yesterday and today that even talking hurt.. Ended up calling an ambulance this afternoon, went back to the hospital; the "sample" I gave looked like prune juice!! And now on top of everything else I have an infection in my kidney which they're saying was most likely caused BY the procedure itself, which I'm going to have to have done again to REMOVE the stint.. All they could do for me was shoot me up with 10mg of morphine and 50mg of gravol, write me out a script for some antibiotics and percocets and send me home; have to call my urologist on Tuesday and find out when he wants to take this stupid thing out.. We might have free healthcare here, but the quality SUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS.... Quote
Rebecca~ Posted October 6, 2012 Posted October 6, 2012 Thanks for all the support and hugs, definitely makes me feel good :) Unfortunately the surgery did not go very well.. He ended up putting a "stint" in, to open up the ureter (tube that connects your kidney to your bladder) hoping that would help me pass whatever is in there, but from the second I woke up I was in even worse pain than when this whole thing started, still throwing up and there's been massive amounts of blood in my whizz again along with blood clots now too.. I was in so much pain yesterday and today that even talking hurt.. Ended up calling an ambulance this afternoon, went back to the hospital; the "sample" I gave looked like prune juice!! And now on top of everything else I have an infection in my kidney which they're saying was most likely caused BY the procedure itself, which I'm going to have to have done again to REMOVE the stint.. All they could do for me was shoot me up with 10mg of morphine and 50mg of gravol, write me out a script for some antibiotics and percocets and send me home; have to call my urologist on Tuesday and find out when he wants to take this stupid thing out.. We might have free healthcare here, but the quality SUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS.... Oh my god, that sounds so horrific. D: I am so sorry this is happening to you! I have lots of hugs and cookies if you want them. Quote
karmacow Posted October 6, 2012 Posted October 6, 2012 Ow, I'm so sorry :( I really empathise and I wish you wouldn't have to go through this. I can only imagine how bad you must be feeling. Quote
cleomiele Posted October 11, 2012 Posted October 11, 2012 This whole thing sounds like a nightmare :( I know I'm a little late but I hope everything is starting to get sorted out! Gahh I can't even imagine how awful and frustrating that would be... Quote
morgennaraene Posted October 12, 2012 Author Posted October 12, 2012 Imagine being stuck in labor for 4 days, add constant, uncontrollable throwing up, and that's about it... I'm still not well, lost 7lbs. so far from not being able to eat and now I'm so weak I can barely leave my house.. Have to wait until the 23rd to get back in to see him then hopefully (sort of) remove the stint on the 25th.. I'm just afraid that when he goes back in to take it out, I'm gonna have a repeat of last time. I'm not letting them send me home right away though if I start puking again right after the surgery, not going through THAT hell again.. Quote
Welcome Back Apathy Posted October 12, 2012 Posted October 12, 2012 I would really prefer not to imagine being in labor for four days. Especially without a cute little end product. I'm really, really sorry that you have to go through that. I can't believe they still don't know what's wrong. With all the invasion going on in your body, you'd think something would turn up. karmacow 1 Quote
morgennaraene Posted October 18, 2012 Author Posted October 18, 2012 Had to be rushed back to the hospital on Saturday, kept me overnight in emerg, then did emergency surgery on Sunday to remove the stint. Just as I had thought, my body WAS trying to reject it and even after I finished all the antibiotics, I had a massive infection in both of my kidneys that had NOT been present BEFORE the surgery. So...... I THINK I'm on the mend now, but I know there are still some unresolved issues.. I still have pain (though NOTHING like what it was after the first surgery), I'm ridiculously weak, and I'm having a really hard time adjusting to eating again, down another 2 for a total of 12 lbs. lost so far bringing me 135; I can't afford to lose anymore. But there hasn't been any more bleeding, my fever finally broke and I am no longer getting violently ill; ah, small blessings :D But, I went to choir for a 1/2 session last night, made it to a job interview today and I'm not feeling too badly, although admittedly each little excursion absolutely exhausted me and I had to nap when I got home.. Every day I feel a little stronger though, so I am in a more positive frame of mind :D See the specialist on Monday, so, maybe some answers? Saxen 1 Quote
Rebecca~ Posted October 18, 2012 Posted October 18, 2012 Wow, I can't believe what an ordeal this has been for you! I'm glad to hear that you're doing better though! -crosses fingers- Quote
karmacow Posted October 18, 2012 Posted October 18, 2012 Ugh, that's just awful. Hopefully the specialist can help you. Good luck on Monday :) Quote
passiflora Posted October 18, 2012 Posted October 18, 2012 Had to be rushed back to the hospital on Saturday, kept me overnight in emerg, then did emergency surgery on Sunday to remove the stint. Just as I had thought, my body WAS trying to reject it and even after I finished all the antibiotics, I had a massive infection in both of my kidneys that had NOT been present BEFORE the surgery. So...... I THINK I'm on the mend now, but I know there are still some unresolved issues.. I still have pain (though NOTHING like what it was after the first surgery), I'm ridiculously weak, and I'm having a really hard time adjusting to eating again, down another 2 for a total of 12 lbs. lost so far bringing me 135; I can't afford to lose anymore. But there hasn't been any more bleeding, my fever finally broke and I am no longer getting violently ill; ah, small blessings :D But, I went to choir for a 1/2 session last night, made it to a job interview today and I'm not feeling too badly, although admittedly each little excursion absolutely exhausted me and I had to nap when I got home.. Every day I feel a little stronger though, so I am in a more positive frame of mind :D See the specialist on Monday, so, maybe some answers? Is there any sort of special diet they put you on after the surgeries, if you don't mind my asking? I'm studying dietetics at university right now and we will soon be learning about post-surgery in our clinical nutrition class, so it's very interesting to me! Your body needs extra energy when it's healing and it's not cool if you're losing a bunch of weight! D: That sounds like a crazy ordeal to have gone though. :( I hope things start looking up from here! Quote
Saxen Posted October 18, 2012 Posted October 18, 2012 So glad that things are getting a little bit better! This whole ordeal sounds incredibly traumatic :O you poor thing. I really hope you continue to get stronger and they can figure out what's going on. Best of luck for monday darling x Quote
morgennaraene Posted October 18, 2012 Author Posted October 18, 2012 Thanks for the continued well wishes, gives me the warm fuzzies :) @ Passiflora~ Having now had 11 surgeries of varying types, I can honestly say I really don't think there IS any "special" diet they recommend.. Of course with certain types of surgery, like getting your tonsils out, where you have to be "careful" what you eat, they will advise you to stick to liquids or soft foods like jello and such.. I know after the spinal surgery I had in my neck, I wasn't allowed to eat at ALL until the next day, but that was because I had literally just had my throat cut and they were worried about my ability to swallow anything solid.. But as for telling people about certain foods they could eat to help them regain their strength, or speed recovery and healing, that's a negatory.. They don't keep you after surgery any more these days, the doctors barely talk to you, the nurses are so busy running between an over-load of patients that they don't really have TIME to talk to you, and if it's just a minor surgery, they shuffle you out as soon as you're awake, not matter WHAT you feel like.. I was basically in starvation mode for 10 days afterwards, NOTHING would stay down, eventually not even gravol or water, and I had been having a hard time with eating before the surgery as well due to occasional bouts of vomiting for a couple weeks prior. Now, I no longer feel ill, per se, and the pain no longer makes me throw up, but it's like my stomach has shrunk and it's so used to not having anything in it that when I do put something in it, it's like, what the heck is THIS? What do I do with it? I am eating, just not enough I guess for a body that's trying to heal, and with all the running around the last couple days, I'm burning far more energy than I can put in me.. So, I've started sticking more to soups for the time being, nothing too solid until my stomach's a little more accustomed to being fed; that's all I really know to do.. But, keep in mind, that the issues I had are not generally typical, and I can't help but wonder that there's not something else going on, they just haven't figured it out yet. As it is, now I'm looking at surgery #12 which will make this my 4th abdominal laparoscopy.. Again, a simple procedure, but one I've had complications with before as well.. *sigh* I just want to get back to my bouncy ol' self, get back to work and feel like a human being again.. Quote
Welcome Back Apathy Posted October 28, 2012 Posted October 28, 2012 Can we get an update on your condition? How are you now? Are things looking up? Quote
karmacow Posted October 30, 2012 Posted October 30, 2012 It's been a while since she has posted, I hope she's doing alright. Quote
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