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So I've had this idea for awhile but I'm not entire sure what to do with it. I was browsing through lost.quiggle.org and I found out that there are like +1800 lupes and I've always toyed with the idea of a Lupe Sanctuary (Shy Lupe Sanctuary, named after the Shy Wolf Sanctuary where I grew up). I'm not entirely sure what I want to do with it but I was thinking something along the lines of adopting the ones who don't have ridiculous names (GrowlyMcGrowlsAlot_92454213r14), getting them painted or zapped and trying to find them good homes. I have 3 free spaces on my main account (once I adopt out my Koi to my roommate). One of them is currently reserved for a draik (due to a fierce love for dragons) but that leaves two open spaces and my two side accounts.


I'm looking for someone(s) who would be interested in discussing the project with me and who would, possibly, want to join me in the effort. I'm also looking at Lupes that are UFA who need great homes (for my main, that would stay with me or one of the staff). I don't know. I'm currently trying to save up for a Laboratory Map (I'm terribly bad at making NP due to my life and bad spending habits) but if this is going to take off, I'd really like to get this up and running with some help. I figurd I might do it on my own but after much consideration (and a vast realization) I realized that that's probably not a good idea. Its always better to have an amazing staff and a group of wonderful people to help with decisions (new homes, ideas, etc.). Anyway, if you're interested, please post below so we can get talking. :) I'd love some input or even a "Hey! Why don't we do it for this species too!!!!". Whatever you have to say about it, lemme know. <3


-Ava Lynn


Update: I would screw up the title. -.-; Ugh.

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