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Pet stuck in the pound


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This is kind of a last ditch hope since the new premium may be too new for anyone else to have run into this problem. I've submitted a ticket but we all know how fast those get replies (/sarcasm).


This is a bit complicated so hopefully I can explain it. The TDN lending jetsam is currently stuck in "pound limbo" on my account. I put him up for trade to the next person in the chain but due to a miscommunication the person I sent him to couldn't accept in time. However while he was still in the trade queue the person in the next chain I was in put that pet up for trade to me. Apparently somehow this made the servers think I had five pets. Since I had an open trade to me I couldn't start a new trade for the jetsam once he bounced back to me. We opted to try a pound transfer so the person with the blumaroo didn't have to lose their last transfer for the month and drop out of their other chain. However when I put the jetsam in the pound through abandon, he went into limbo. He says on his lookup that he's in the pound and he isn't listed in my pets, but he doesn't show up in the pound search and when I go to the pound I have a notification that I have to renew premium to get him back. Problem is, I don't have premium and I never have. If I could afford it I would get a month of premium and hopefully clear it up but I simply can't afford it. I only have three pets now since I passed the blumaroo on but it won't let me have the jetsam back. The only option is renew premium.


I could have sworn the new premium info I read said you have the option of transferring one of your pets to a side account and keeping your fifth pet that way if you cancel premium but I just can't find the option. Does anyone with premium have a possible solution? I know the others in the chain would appreciate any help!

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I'm sorry to say so, but I think the ticket is your best shot :c

I once found a pet with a really great name in the pound, but when I tried to adopt him, I got a message similar to the one you are now getting. The difference was that this pet showed up as being in line for a transfer or something like that.


I hope TNT will be quicker than usual in response.

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