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I was in first grade and we all got sent home from school. Since I'm not really American, we were just living in the US at the time because of my dad's job I wasn't really that worried. (wow I sound so mean) When I got home I watched it on tv, I know the video by heart. My neighbor was actually for some reason in one of the buildings at the time and died. Business trip I think? So we went to his funeral and I was pretty sad about it then. We did go visit ground 0 a few weeks later and stared at was what left. Anyway we weren't allowed to go on our planned field trip which was sad but predictable. (Every time we were supposed to go on a field trip something happened and we had to do a lockdown and cancelled the trip.)


In conclusion I really didn't care too much about it at the time. Hours later when I knew the aftermath I was really upset.

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On 9/11, I was given birth to by my mum, in Singapore at 8.53 am. Yep, my parents were watching the news. :D I was just a newborn.


That's an unfortunate birthday :O Of course I don't know how much attention the anniversary gets in Singapore. Good thing you don't live in the US: That would be depressing, to be hearing about the attack all day instead of fully enjoying your birthday.


EDIT: But since you were a baby when it happened, I guess it doesn't hit you the same way as those who remember it.

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I think I was in year 7 at school, and I heard about it there. The reality of what happened didn't actually hit me until I got home and saw the footage on the news. I remember just staring at the screen for hours crying my eyes out in disbelief. I still cant believe it.

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