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Need help with "Cheat" gold trophy.


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Hello all, I am on the the second to last level. (Level 6) and can't seem to get past it.

If this has already been posted in another on-going thread, MODS please feel free to delete and I will post my question there. I had no trouble with the other ones, in fact I breezed through them. Makes me think that level 7 will be difficult as well! brick-wall-017.gif


One more question. I wanted the cheat avatar but forgot to get it at the start of the game! Does the game restart for you after you beat it? That question may be silly though. crazy.gif



Anyways, If you have any tips or tricks you use during the game, please do post away! I already know the basiscs and have read the Jellyneo guide which basically states to never cheat unless you have too & never accuse of cheating unless you are sure or it sounds too good to be true.


As always, thank you for ANY help.



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From personal experience, all I can suggest is to just keep playing until you win.

I just cheated through the game whenever I needed to (which was quite often).

As for the avatar, you can always replay the game once you've completed it.

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Yes, the game does restart when you beat it.


As for tips, I have two that worked for me. Not 100% of the time, you just need to know when to use them.

1. I feel like the game is less likely to accuse you of cheating when you hold the majority of the same number. So say you had 4 nines and when it comes around to your turn you could play those nines honestly, instead of actually playing those nines, I would play 4 single cards and say they're nines. If they let it pass, then you've just got rid of 4 cards that you would have to play in 4 different turns honestly and still left with those 4 nines that you can get rid of all at once.


2. If you know when it gets to your turn that you will have to cheat because you don't have the right numbers and the cards in the pile are less than the cards you can get rid of if you get to choose what number you lay down, I always accuse the character before me of cheating. For example, say there is only one card in the pile and you have 3 fives in your hand, I will accuse the last person of cheating. Either they are and you don't have to pick up the pile and you can start at whatever number you want anyways or they aren't cheating and you have to pick up that 1 card, but get to pick what number you start at and you can lay down those 3 fives honestly. So in the end you end up with less cards in your hand than you started with.


I hope I explained those well enough, and it helped you somewhat. Good luck!

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