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Need petpet opinions (and a vote:)


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This here is MoeWaffles. I hope you can gather the gist of the look i was going for with him, since i'm not sure the noun that describes it is appropriate for this forum.





4 letters, starts with "P," ends with "P" :)



Ahem. So anyway, i would like those of us worldly enough to play along with this theme to brainstorm a petpet for him. I'll need non-PB ideas, since it'll be a while 'til i can afford one, but would also love to hear PB ideas. I'm thinking the island theme is a good one, for example:



So many people here know so much more about petpets than i do, your suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



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Haha XP MoeWaffles is certainly looking sharp!


Out of the three that you've selected I'd say the Faellie, but I'm a bit of a Gallion lover and I cant help but think this lil fella




would go with his blingbling ;D

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I voted for Paimonster as well by the way. Such an excellent picture!! I hope you win :)

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See, that's why i like to hear other people's ideas -- now i've got two different boxes to think outside of ;) You all are thinking "twin" or "matching," whereas i was thinking more along the lines of .... "couples costume"? Ya know, like, counterparts. But this kind of opens up the idea pool for me, and that's always a good thing!


Thank you for the votes!! MWAH! MWAH!!!! Pai promises not to forget you all when he's rich and famous.

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