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Any advice on how to stay motivated in school?


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School is starting soon and I was just wondering if anyone had advice on how to stay motivated in school. I'm going into my junior year of high school, commonly known for being the most stressful and important year. I often lose motivation after a month or so into the year. Any advice?

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I kind of use the same technique for everything- school, cleaning, doing my taxes....

Break it down. Don't stress out. Do a little bit of homework, and then take a break. I find that whenever I marathon anything, I burn out really quickly. So do twenty minutes, and then take a ten minute break- walk around, get a cup of tea, whatever. Or work for fourty-five minutes, and then take a fifteen minute break.


I find this the best- it keeps your mind more alert, because it's not bogged down. If you don't leave work until the last minute, you can take your time, do a better job, and you won't get tired. :D


Good luck with school~

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I agree with above, little breaks really help. I even have an app on my computer called "time out" that I can set to fade my screen out for pre-scheduled breaks after a certain amount of time has elapsed.


Also try to set goals and manage your time to keep the stress away. And I know it might sound kind of lame, but even "self help" books about being more effective or managing your time can actually help a lot, even if they don't teach you anything new in particular - they just inspire you to work harder, and taking a break to read can also be nice. :P

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I agree with above, little breaks really help. I even have an app on my computer called "time out" that I can set to fade my screen out for pre-scheduled breaks after a certain amount of time has elapsed.


Also try to set goals and manage your time to keep the stress away. And I know it might sound kind of lame, but even "self help" books about being more effective or managing your time can actually help a lot, even if they don't teach you anything new in particular - they just inspire you to work harder, and taking a break to read can also be nice. :P

Definitely! My 'self-help' book is actually a blog- UnFilth Your Habitat on tumblr. :) (I used their pg-13 title, lol). That is actually where I became motivated to start taking breaks, and stop doing marathons. :D Lots of pictures for motivation (for cleaning at least, since that is where the central focus of it is, but you can apply the same principals to all areas of your life!)

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My advice is to make sure you have a social hobby that you're really passionate about. This can be in your school (like band or sports) or outside of it, but I find that the weekly break from schoolwork really helps to relax frayed nerves. This is coming from a third-year university student. Also, don't let things you hear freak you out; I flew through my junior year (that's grade 11, right?). It's only as important as you make it, so don't assume it has to be the most stressful or important :)

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All i can say is, think of the future :P once you're out of highschool you can study whatever you want to become the profession you've always wanted to be!


And if you don't know, then be happy you still have plenty of time to think about it in high school xD

Highschool usually have funny teachers, so writing jokes about them or noting funny things they say in notebooks can be fun :)

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Finding motivation is hard. I probably need advice just like you. But I guess, here are ways to make it better. My advice would be to plan out what homework you have to do and when before you do it. This clears your mind, and gives you a time frame on when you are going to finish.

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It helps me personally to make to do lists! When I write down everything I have to get done (you can make separate lists for homework, chores, or basically any kind of tasks), I usually use a different color or highlight things that have to be done VERY soon and focus on those rather than the things that can wait a couple of days. It also feels super great when you get to check something off of your list once you've finished it! :)


Like Rebecca said, breaking up your study/work time is also very important! When you feel yourself starting to become easily distracted or mentally fatigued, it's time to take a break. Working away from the computer is also helpful, as the internet provides so many distractions for us :P Super_almoner also has a great point; having some kind of outlet, whether it be a musical ensemble, art, writing, or even playing sports, gives you some amount of time every day or at least a few times a week to take away the stress of academic work and other obligations, and it really does wonders for your mental state. I'm sure I would never have survived my senior year of high school without my orchestra ensembles. Just find something that you enjoy doing and set aside some time for that to help relieve stress. :) I wish you luck with your upcoming year and I hope it's not too stressful!

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just think about the money you'll be making when you graduate & get a good job

& also think about being able to do something you like instead of a job you don't enjoy so much :)

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These are all pretty good suggestions to stay organized and not get burnt out, but lists just remind me of everything I haven't done yet. The longer the list, the less I feel like even bothering with it.


I stayed motivated through high school and college by reminding myself of what would happen if I failed. Forget a life of playing catch-up... my mother would have ENDED me.


I also walked into potentially agonizing situations with a positive mindset. As long as I could convince myself that there would be at least one interesting thing to learn in every class every time I walked through the door, I found that it was easier to pay attention. I apply this attitude to my work now as well. Choosing to ignore stress and things I cannot change has kept me pretty mellow and focused through the years.

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Looking at the date this was posted, you probably started already!


I just wanted to add that it's a good idea to keep a diary so you can plan out when things are due and make scribbles for mini goals :)


Having a diary helps to keep track of goals, things to remember and the break down of assignments should be in there too. :3


Good luck!

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