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Sky Rush? More Like Sky Crush...


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My husband and I took my brother and one of his friends to Hersheypark yesterday. We live about a half and hour away, and we go once every summer. This year, a new roller coaster, Sky Rush, has been all over the news. Naturally, my husband, brother, and brother's friend wanted to try it out. I did not (not a big roller coaster enthusiast - I hate the feeling of falling out of my seat on drops, and I had already made the mistake of going on a skull-rattling wooden coaster called Lightning Racer), so my account of the ride is from an outsider's point of view, but I do believe it is valid nonetheless. The roller coaster takes riders up a steep lifthill, and then drops them down at an over 90 degree angle until they are hurtling around at 75 mph. There are no inversions, just some twists and turns back to the ride station. The restraint system is... painful - this according to EVERYONE I heard talking about the ride (no joke). My brother's friend described it as sitting in a high-chair. My husband said it feels as if you are falling straight down with nothing holding you in but a bar across your thighs. Many people coming off of the ride had red marks on their legs, some already bruising. One poor teenage girl was in tears from having her legs crushed. My brother declared that he would never go on it again, unless the restraint system was changed. And I simply stared in wonder at the all people who were willing to risk leg amputation for a fleeting second of sheer terror.


For anyone going to Hersheypark to ride Sky Rush: You have been warned...

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