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1: This was my fourth year participating in the AC :)

2: Meridell finished 3rd

3: I made it to All-Star

4: I am very satisfied with my rank :)

5: My favourite game is YYB and my least favourite is MSN. By the end of the cup I hate them all *lol*

6: I did not play Slushie Slinger this year, I felt the AC was too short and my energy was better spent YYB-ing.

7: I have in past years when I played it!

8: 0 games of MSN and 1275 games of ShSh. Highest score in ShSh was 1200.


Yooyuball stats!

9: 1650 games of YYB played

10: Scored 18,667 goals

11: Goals by Ilsa Ellits 1,576 Goals by Fiorina 1,579 Goals by "Wizard" Windelle 13,938 Goals by Gregorio Maille 1,574 Saves by Yoris Obbles 2,601

12: Nope :)

13: Most goals in a game was 16, and least was 3 I believe (darn Darigan Yooyu!)

14: Darigan :K

15: Yoris...he wanders.

16: Kiko lake, but only because we had to face them FOUR TIMES!!!

17: I don't switch. Once the cup has started, I mean business ;)

18: One glitch I noticed was that my players would all circle the Yooyu but none of them could pick it up...I guess the computer was struggling to calculate which player was closest *lol*

19: I read them during practice rounds...once the Cup starts, I'm all about skipping the cut scenes ;)

20: Darigan yooyus are jerks. That is all.<-------I AGREE!!

21: No

22: I'm just getting warmed up!


Random section!

23: I found listening to music helped pass the time the best. I'd get too distracted with movies and not watch what I was doing!

24: Yes, my goal was to play no less than 50 games of YYB per day. Anything above that was gravy!

24. All except that day I got the 'flu :(

25: Yes, frequently, once I'd hit All-Star. I didn't though.

26: I would go back to MSG on the neoboards and seeing how hard my fellow knights were working gave me the will to keep fighting!

27: The majority of us felt hopeful that we would do better next time...but as the tourny went on and we realized that we might not play those teams again and make up for our losses we started to feel down :(

28: No, and that is the reason I adore my team. Everyone is so supportive. We set daily goals and hopefully everyone can reach them, but if not, life goes on!

29: Yes, I am a Knight for life! See question 28 :)


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