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Summer Jobs


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This topic is mostly for students and high school-ers, but everyone is welcome to post :)


My question is, will you guys have a summer job? If yes, where will you work & is the payment worth it? And finally, what are you saving for?



I just had and and interview for a job as a waitress today and I got it. I'll be paid 7$/hour + tips, which is in my city a lot. I'll be working as a waitress for 2 weeks and then I'm going to work in a factory for 3 weeks, for 4,5$/hour. I'm saving money for Greece and in August I'm probably going somewhere on vacation, just don't know yet where :D


I'm also saving up for a tattoo.


So, how about you guys? :)

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I'm working as a counselor for day camp at my local Y. There were some issues initially with how much I would be paid (the coordinator told me one thing and then my first paycheck told me something else -.-) but I got it worked out, so I'll be making $8 an hour. It's an eleven week gig.


What am I saving for? Hmm, grad school xD and I'll probably spend a little of my summer earnings on some cheap bedroom furniture for the house I'm moving into in the fall.

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I work backstage for student/guest recitals and concerts at my university. I make minimum wage, but I totally love my job. I've gotten to meet and chat with lots of famous classical musicians, which is a plus. :)


My birthday is in a week and a half, so I fully intend to splurge and buy myself some fancy new clothes.

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I'm working as an organizer for my parents. :D Due to sudden moves, my family was never able to go through stuff and get rid of stuff we don't need. I have our house, our barn, a storage barn, and our property to organize. It'll easily take me all summer. We probably have a hundred rubbermaid containers full of stuff. Working for $10/hour. The kitchen took me 10 hours straight to go through and that's one of the easiest rooms. ._. The barns will take me the longest... they're seriously disaster areas. After I organize everything I'm having a yard sale with all the nice items and toys we have and I get to keep all the money from that. :)


I'm saving up for a foal! ^^ I get to buy a foal next year as long as I have enough money.

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I'm working as an organizer for my parents. :D Due to sudden moves, my family was never able to go through stuff and get rid of stuff we don't need. I have our house, our barn, a storage barn, and our property to organize. It'll easily take me all summer. We probably have a hundred rubbermaid containers full of stuff. Working for $10/hour. The kitchen took me 10 hours straight to go through and that's one of the easiest rooms. ._. The barns will take me the longest... they're seriously disaster areas. After I organize everything I'm having a yard sale with all the nice items and toys we have and I get to keep all the money from that. :)


I'm saving up for a foal! ^^ I get to buy a foal next year as long as I have enough money.


A foal? :wub_anim: You lucky thing. I love horses! Unfortunately I'm allergic to all pets with fur and hair. So good luck with everything and a successful yard sale! ^^

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