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Area 51


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It is December 27th, 2999. Across all 136 populated solar systems, trillions of people are preparing for the joyous celebrations. They have plenty of reasons to celebrate, the most prominent of which is that only 5 days ago, scientists discovered alien life at the fringes of known space, and are now bringing back several unusual specimens.


At the Galactic Defence Alliance headquarters, based on the barren remains of Earth, things are not going so well. Contact has been lost with the top secret facility named Area 51 (based on the same planet). After several failed communication attempts, 10 squads of Galactic Defence Alliance Special Troopers (or GDASTs) have been dispatched to investigate, and ensure that the alien specimens inside are securely contained. Genetically modified from selectively bred parents and trained from birth, GDASTs are the most feared soldiers in known space. No GDAST has ever failed a mission.


* * *


GDAST1313 dropped out of the troop carrier and fired up his SCRAMBLER jetpack. As he flew towards Area 51, his comlink came on. "This is command, all GDASTs report in once you have deployed."

"This is GDAST1313, squad 2," he answered, "Heading for rendezvous beta."


((To join, just report in with your code, (GDASTsomething), squad (from 1-10) and rendezvous point (alpha or beta)))

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GDAST1313 scanned the terrain as he approached Area 51. "The facility appears relatively normal. Automated defense turrets are enabled. I would recommend avoiding detection by those."

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"Minimal comm traffic guys," said GDAST1313, "There might be monitors active. And negative on the landmine check. Adjust your SCRAMBLERS to minimize heat emission and fly in to your rendezvous points."

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Negative on the Scrambler. I would rather use the Animatron200. And i cant get to the rendevouz point. There are thousands of turrets pointed toward it.

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GDAST1313 raised an eyebrow under his helmet. "You know there are only 54 automated turrets in this area? The rendezvous is the only way in - the other entrances are even better defended."

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GDAST1313 sighed, "This is no time to act weird - split up and punch in through the rendezvous whatever way you can - we do not want any of these specimens loose." He fired his SCRAMBLER and soared silently over the turrets towards the rendezvous.

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"YES SIR!" GDASTDILLON SHOUTED. GDASTDILLON fired a FREEZE GRENADE and froze some of the turrets. The used the JET PACK and flew over the rest in to rondevouz BETA

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GDAST1313 landed on top of one of the automated turrets beside his rendezvous. He silently removed a panel from the wall and crawled in. He found himself in a dark corridor. Activating his night-vision, he said, "This is GDAST 1313, I'm at rendezvous beta, awaiting backup."

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"I read you GDASTDillon, I'll try to secure the area." GDAST1313 drew a plasma repeater and quickly swept up and down the corridor with his scope. "Nothing." he said. Then he heard a loud screech in the distance. "I take that back - there's something in here but it's deeper - it sounds like it's close to rendezvous alpha."

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((By the way, if you say "do you copy" it means do you see/hear/sense the same thing))


"GDAST1 this is GDAST1313, I read you. I am heading in from my rendezvous, still awaiting additional backup."

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"GDAST1313 to GDASTDillon, I'm directly above you - the floor is relatively stable so you should be able to cut your way through and climb up."

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GDAST1313 noticed a sudden movement at the end of the hallway. He froze, signalling for GDASTDillon to do the same. As his nightvision focused on the movement, he saw a huge, spider-like alien with four large pincers and a beak that looked like it was built for ripping. "If it attacks hit it in the eyes, if it retreats, hit it with a stun net." he said into his comlink.

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The spider ATTACKED. Shot out its poisonous web.


Dillon quickly pulled out his Taser and aimed for the eyes. But at that very same moment a spider behind him shot him.



Arghhhhhhhhhh" I have been hit.

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GDAST1313's armour absorbed the impact of the web - he drew out two assault rifles and riddled both of the spiders with plasma blasts. They reared up, shrieking, and then dropped onto the floor. "Well this is fun." he said sarcastically.


((Note: GDASTs are genetically modified and have incredible strength, a reaction time of less than a nanosecond and cunning intelligence))

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