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What is your ideal/dream battledome set?

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The next weapon upgrade I would like get is 100 % healer (Leaded Elemental Vial or Jade Scorchstone).


The anagram swords are nice and I would like to eventually have Sword of White Lies or Ghostkersword. For freezer I'd pick Heavy Blue Tunic or MMoM, one can only dream of Moehog Skull.


Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield is the coolest looking of the three worthy HT shields.

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I have a whole list of Battledome Items I would like to have but the items I would like most in a set would be:


CONSTANTS (1 or 2 slots):

bd_grapesofwrath.gifGrapes of Wrath bd_sword_reif.gif Sword of Reif bd_superpea.gif Super Attack Pea bd_glittery_faeriedust.gif Glittery Faerie Dust bd_captain_cutluss.gif Pirate Captians Cutlass bd_sword_ari.gifSword of Ari bd_kelpbeard_trident.gif Kelpbeards Trident


MULTI-DUTY (1 or 2 slots):

darkfaerie_wand.gifWand of the Dark Faerie bd_jhudora_wandx.gif Jhudoras Wand rod_darknova.gif Rod of Dark Nova bd_spookycauldron.gif Glowing Cauldron eliv_thade_shield.gifShield of Pion Troect bd_wotc_shield.gif Clawed Shield tornado_ring.gif Tornado Ring



bd_shield_nox.gifHubrid Nox Memorial Shield bd_gold_vine.gif Faerie Tabard bd_captain_hat.gif Pirate Captians Hat bd_shield_faerieland.gif Shield of Faerieland


HEALERS (1 slot):

bpo_potion3.gif Leaded Elemental Vial bva_bluetunic.gifCrisp Blue Tunic



sloth_tcg_blaster4.gifSleep Ray arm_blue_robe.gifHeavy Blue Tunic bd_moehog_skull.gifMoehog Skull


BOMBS (1 slot):

bd_ghostkerchief_bomb.gif Ghostkerbomb ... ... ... ... ... ... .-.


The chances of me ever completing this list is almost none. :c Oh well. One can dream... :P

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