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*Le Sigh* No more double quests, but I did go with The Sway for the Skirmish so I picked the Refresh Boon; didn't do me any good today though, apparently Earth was determined to have me.. At least I got Defence :D


You have completed a quest for an Earth Faerie.
Well, it looks like the item was just what I needed for my spell. Thanks again!

For your efforts, Ashwynne's defence has increased!

UGH i almost went with the Sway but a I saw a lot of people on the BD board going with Brutes so that's what I did. CURSES!!!


Also I won 150 NC from the expellibox today! Yay!!!


Booo back down to one quest and I got Fire. at least she was affordable :P


Congrats on Expellibox! I won 150 NC from there a couple weeks ago, first time ever :) Got Space today!!! Decided not to take a chance on refreshing :P


You have completed a quest for the Space Faerie.
Wise decision. Neopia thrives, thanks to you.

For your efforts, Ashwynne's level has increased -- a lot!

Wish you could refresh for me, I got HER today. e.e



Something has happened! babyray.gif

Oh no! Boochi fires his ray gun and turns_Azura_Homatu_ into a Baby Lutari!!!



WHY IS THIS MY LIFE!!! THIS IS THE SECOND TIME BOOCHI HAS ZAPPED AZURA!! The first time he was a Robo Tusk and I was SUPER mad about that one. I'm mostly mad about this one bc I don't like babies and I can't customize them. FJDAJHSDKJFASDKJFHDJFKALKFJDKL!!!


I sent you something that might help.. If you're not picky about which basic color it is, it should make it better :P


You have completed a quest for a Dark Faerie.
Thanks for the help. You're the only one who understands... *sigh*

For your efforts, Ashwynne's health has increased!

Oh nooooooooooooooooooo!!! I got a random 'Her' yesterday but I refreshed on it and got Battle; then this morning I got Fire, and I had the item in my SDB too, but I took a chance and got ...


You have completed a quest for the Battle Faerie.
This should help our cause. The war is not yet won, but the battle turns in our favour.

For your efforts, Ashwynne's defence, strength, and health have increased!
So I got Strength anyway ;)

*showers Snuffles with shamrocks* Hope you get a little luckier..


Oh my god!! I got 'Her', refreshed and got Battle AGAIN!! Whoo!!


You have completed a quest for the Battle Faerie.
Bravely done. This item is just what I needed.

For your efforts, Ashwynne's defence, strength, and health have increased!

At least it was something different, got Dark, refreshed, got.. Dark, LOL :P


You have completed a quest for a Dark Faerie.
Oh, please. A Petpet could have found this faster than you. Still, I suppose you want a reward...

For your efforts, Ashwynne's health has increased!

Me too, even on the refresh, was affordable as well :)


You have completed a quest for a Fire Faerie.
Ha! I cast a spell without setting anything on fire -- wait. Never mind.

For your efforts, Ashwynne's strength has increased!
And again today!! Also affordable, not bad!!
You have completed a quest for a Fire Faerie.
You know, this quest-giving business is easier than I thought it would be.

For your efforts, Ashwynne's strength has increased!

LMAO!!! Me too!! Had to catch myself for a second when I saw her ;)


You have completed a quest for a Water Faerie.
Good, this should help with the -- well, never mind. It's a secret. Oh, you'll want your reward.

For your efforts, Ashwynne's defence has increased!

Guys my cookie has been so bad this time, I don't even want to post about it :( :( :(


Guys my cookie has been so bad this time, I don't even want to post about it :( :( :(


Oh no! why what happened?? :( We sympathize--Jenn had all Air once xD


I got Dark today


This latest cookie has been mostly Fire, been getting her a LOT lately.. Prime example, oh look, today's Faerie is... Ta da!! At least it wasn't expensive, had a couple of the item in my SDB..


You have completed a quest for a Fire Faerie.
Ha! I cast a spell without setting anything on fire -- wait. Never mind.

For your efforts, Ashwynne's strength has increased!

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