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Habi Help: Can somebody make a layout for my Habi? (Blossom Meadow)


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nURLo: Will change my decors ASAP! :laughingsmiley: But I don't like blocking my Storages, it's a pain when repairing them :( Been there, done that.


No problem, I am at the point in my Habi where I have over 500 seed hammers, so when I start it up in the morning I repair the storage units. For me it's just easier if I do it, and with 500+ seed hammers it's easier than moving things around every day :)


@ morgennaraene - Your Habi is beautiful! It looks really yummy

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Thanks, I DO love my Habi, have the Faerie Cloud background too, but lovin' the Chocolate right now :D I like to decorate a lot so in order to keep from cluttering it up too much with buildings, I upgrade my existing buildings instead to hold more (storage and houses).. I'm constantly checking my nests too and have at least a good 3 pages worth of eggs stored, so I do fine with only having 5.. Maybe when my Habi gets a little bigger I will add more buildings, but not for a while; oh, maybe a hospital though :)

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Thanks, I DO love my Habi, have the Faerie Cloud background too, but lovin' the Chocolate right now :D I like to decorate a lot so in order to keep from cluttering it up too much with buildings, I upgrade my existing buildings instead to hold more (storage and houses).. I'm constantly checking my nests too and have at least a good 3 pages worth of eggs stored, so I do fine with only having 5.. Maybe when my Habi gets a little bigger I will add more buildings, but not for a while; oh, maybe a hospital though :)

Yeah... having so many buildings does keep it from looking pretty! But, just as a heads up, you maaaaaay want to have some more eggs in your bag. They do get used up fast, especially at higher levels, when you have a population of 46. I generally have 2 pages of each type (Mootix nester, Pinchit soldier, etc), but I'm finding that's not enough for workers (granted, my workers are only Mootix, so that does cut down on that! but still).

Save all the worker eggs you get- you can always discard them later if you find you have too many! :)

(Also, it sucks that you spent so much on droppers for them before you realised they only lived a week! I think that P3 droppers should affect all P3s of that type from there on out- like when you level up a P3, it levels up all of the workers, etc)

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I usually do 3 pages worth of workers, then 2 pages each for nesters and soldiers. And instead of discarding the eggs while they're still on the nest, I put them in my bag so that I can discard them while being zoomed into the leaves in the top right-hand corner so that my Mac isn't taking a beating from all of the movement and such from the page.

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Whaaaaa??? How do you do that cause all the movement in my Habi makes it really hard to catch the little buggers when I'm trying to move them around or "house" them for a bit to restore their stats.. And their movement is really sketchy too, drives me nutters; what do you mean by " And instead of discarding the eggs while they're still on the nest, I put them in my bag so that I can discard them while being zoomed into the leaves in the top right-hand corner", how do you do that? Not the discard part, the zoom part?


How do you do that? " I put them in my bag so that I can discard them while being zoomed into the leaves in the top right-hand corner" The zoom part?


Edit~ I know I'm gonna get in trouble, but this wasn't intentional.. I'm having an issue with backspacing and the Enter key when trying to type out posts.. I had hit the backspace key and it backspaced my entire webpage and when I came back I thought I had lost what I had already written so I posted again... Since I can't delete a post, I left the original part of what I had written and added my explanation.. I know one of the mods are going to have to "edit" me anyways, just wanted to say a few words in my defense :D Sorry, I did not intend to double-post..

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Instead of posting twice in a row, you can click the "Edit" button that's located at the bottom right-hand corner of your post.


You zoom by using the + button on the top right-hand area of your Habi screen. - zooms out.

You zoom in, then you click and drag your Habi screen until you only see the leaves from the tree in the corner.

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No no, I know about the edit function for the post but I had already posted twice before catching it, so all I could really do was edit my second post and apologize for it..


I'll try out your suggestion Mo, see if it makes a difference..


@scoptophobia~ I don't know how, but I ended up with an entirely Mootix population and I kinda like it, they're so cute :) I've been working really hard on storing up my eggs and I try to have at least 5 nester's nesting at all times, 6 soldiers on patrol and the rest, be they worker or nester is on harvesting. Been working out pretty good for me so far :)

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