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I was quite saddened today when my clay jubjub(who I wanted to become coconut) turned into a yellow chomby >.> What are some of your Lab Ray stories?


My mutant Bruce is now a blue Lupe. Bah. :b I haven't had a colour change in ages, it feels like. I wouldn't mind him (her? I don't remember) being so ugly if s/he would just chaaaaange already.


An Alien Aisha, first and foremost. I would also love a MSP Poogle. But an Alien Aisha is my dream. :wub_anim:

I kind of love aliens. I am hugely into science fiction and stuff, so yeah. <3


What about you? Just the Coconut JubJub?


My favorite lab zap was when my Elephante was zapped Mara ^_^ Just the other day my Xwee was zapped Shadow so I'm happy about that! My current labbie is my Ruki (currently custard...yuk)


My lab dreamie is MSP Poogle <3 no luck yet though :P


I don't use the lab ray anymore because I have nobody to zap. Back when I did, though...the only story I have is positive. I mean, when I zap someone, I expect him/her to change color or species, so if he/she does, I'm not disappointed. I expect to lose some stats sometimes. Things happen.


My positive story:

I adopted a jubjub to zap. The VERY FIRST ZAP turned her coconut! Impressive, right? Of course, this was before you could transfer pets, so lending didn't work at all.


Wooo, finally got a colour change today! Only Rainbow, but at least Mneryth isn't a boring blue Lupe anymore! :D


An Alien Aisha, first and foremost. I would also love a MSP Poogle. But an Alien Aisha is my dream. :wub_anim:

I kind of love aliens. I am hugely into science fiction and stuff, so yeah. <3


What about you? Just the Coconut JubJub?


Yup or the MSP Poogle my chomby just turned chocolate O.o


In the last week my pet has been changed color three times. It was kind of a downgrade, because they went from a Snow Shoyru (which I really liked) to a Green Grundo, Sponge Grundo, and Ghost Grundo. Even though I don't really like Grundos, three big zaps in that little time was exciting. I ended up using a morphing potion before my pet got zapped into every Grundo color.


Yup or the MSP Poogle my chomby just turned chocolate O.o

Chocolate pets are adorable! ^_^ Hopefully you get one of your dreamies soon~


I hope you get your Coconut Jubjub one day, el_blubo. :)


I've been writing down everything that happens at the lab ray and petpet lab since I got the maps around the 14th February (maybe I need more hobbies... :P). My Blue Xweetok got its first (and only) colour change 3rd March when it changed to Robot. That's not really my kind of colour, but I knew enough to realise that it was rare and would be someone elses dream so my Xweetok was adopted out and a new labrat was found by the 4th March - a Blue Yurble. On the 15th April I got my first species change as it was changed to a Green Chia. By the 26th April my Chia had changed colour to Aubergine. Again, it's not a colour that I care for, but I don't want to lose it so it's currently up for adoption. On the 27th April I started zapping a Green Bori and I wait with baited breath as to what it changes into.


I don't have anymore dream pets and I don't go out of my way to collect avatars, but I do love the idea of seeing a new colour or species that I'd have never thought about owning before. I figure eventually I'll be smitten with one of the zaps, but I love the idea of adopting out pets and hopefully giving other people their dreamies. I plan to always try on this forum (in the trading / adoption thread) first, before eventually pounding them if no one shows any interest.


Roboting changed from a cloud jetsam into a green elephante today. Ugh, I don't like elephante's :(


Anyway, I just wish he would turn robot! any species, really! LOL


Well I always wanted a Faerie Peophin, so I created one to zap. First she was Island, then Robot and then finally Faerie :)


Otherwise I wanted a Maraquan Aisha <3 so I zapped and got her to be Alien, Strawberry, Skunk, Shadow etc., but not Maraquan. No she's an ugly yellow Meerca :(


And I managed to zap an Eventide Lutari, but I'm not such a fan.


Well, I recently zapped my Poogle Zombie. I'm ok with that, but I'm REALLY hoping for MSP, so fingers crossed!


I actually keep a log of all my zaps xD.

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