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Kacheek Drawing


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Well, I decided to dabble in hand-drawing neopets, here is my first try. I personally dont like it as much as computer graphics, but here it is!! :yes: Please rate out of 10!

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It's great Zac! I love the colours and the background. Faeire kack=heeks are cool ;)


10/10 If you had a Faerie kacheek you would win the BeautyContest ;)

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thats awsome! great job! you could always enter it in the art gallery, just make sure to use a graphics program and add you neopets user name on it(it is harder to steal graphics there)

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Thanks, thats a good Idea though adding my username, but Im still not entering the BC....:P


Edit: This one isn't quite as good...




It was handdrawn and edited on Paint....

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well i was suggesting the art gallery not the beauty contest, its still possible to steal images(just like it is ANYWHERE online) but it atleast has right click disabled



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If you do decide to do it though, please disable right-clicking for Macs because I can right click.


Anyways, 10/10 for the first,, 9/10 for the second.

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he isnt the one that puts in teh no right click coding, its neopets.. and its a compltly diffrent thingfor macs since if oyu are useing a default mouse you are doing a movement thing and not right clicking.. totally diffrent type of codeing would be needed..dunno if they even exist

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1st - Excellent Drawing!

2nd - Try Using More colors when blending in between your shading. I like the shyrou. What is with the spray paint background though? It makes it look a little messy in my opinion.


1st - 9/10

2nd - 7.5/10

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I think both drawings are EXCELLENTE. XD spanish. Anywho I think they are they best i have seen in a long time.

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