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Lab Map


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First off, I want to apologise if this is in the wrong section, I'm kinda at my wits end at the moment and am at a loss for what to do!


Basically, I have every piece of the Lab Map, except for the first one. I've been stalking the auctions for a week or so, and none have come up while I've been around to bid on them. The pieces that are on the TP are either ridiculously overpriced, or I've just not been hearing back from the owners, despite neomails and the such. I'm a bit desperate now, I've got enough pure NP to be able to buy the final piece, I just can't find one!


I was wondering if any of you lovely TDNF-ers have the piece that I'm looking for that you'd be willing to sell me? I'm a bit impatient to get zapping :P If not, any advice on how to go about tracking down this piece of map that obviously does not want me to own it?! :D

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You can win Lab Map pieces from KQ ^_^ I've won a couple myself.


Really hope you manage to find the piece you're after!

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I've won the first piece from KeyQuest (but right now, the spring promotion is making it difficult to get rare items). Unfortunately, I just sold it last week! I know I'm saving all my keys until the promotion is over, so if others are doing that too, maybe they'll deflate a little when that happens.


You could keep trying the trading post, and maybe if you explain your situation they'll be more likely to sell for a reduced price. That's not a guarantee, but when I was selling mine I was definitely considering selling it cheaper to people who seem like they genuinely wanted it as opposed to resellers who have the same map piece in trades already and are undercutting my price drastically compared to what they have on their wishlist.


It really depends on what other people are willing to pay, too! If people can't find buyers, you'll find a better deal. :)

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Have you tried to haggle with the sellers on the Trading Post? Chances are, due to their requests, people like yourself are ignoring them in favor of Auctions. They may have difficulty selling. How about you try and strike a reasonable deal - possibly using other examples yourself? It's always worth a shot!

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