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UK Players - Where do you get your NC Cards?

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There was a board about this in the NC chat as well, a lot of people can't seem to find them. Since GAME closed down, I haven't been able to find them. WHSmith doesn't seem to carry them here contrary to popular opinion. I've heard some Sainsbury's have them....


Some do; one in the big city in a remote shopping centre DOES have them but I never go there with family (i.e. free) and I don't want to pay a ton of money to go >_< Some GAME/Gamestation staff told me to try again next week, so they are either hoping or waiting to see what happens


XD It's the gift boxes I need too. I used to have a ton of them but then I gave away a lot of cloud face-paints and the boxes too -_-;; Generosity got me!


Let me know if you get a hold of them!


I've usually got mine from Game as well. I know of at least one Sainsbury's that does them and I still need to check other ones nearby to me. I've never seen them in WH Smiths - which is pretty annoying as they usually have a big selection of other cards.


Yeah, but look at the price -_- £5 for the card (which is correct) but £4.62 P&P??? NO WAY!


Ooh :O I didn't see the postage and packaging. What a rip off!


There's a big Sainsbury's near me so I usually get mine from there...I've bought a couple from GAME before but I've never seen them in WHSmith, although they're supposed to carry them too. Not much help, sorry...:(


It's okay; I called the Sainsburys a few towns over and they don't have it and can't really order it specially for me. Same with the WH Smiths in my home town ¬_¬ The only Sainsburys I know who DID have them was very far away


Starting to think I should take a trip up there will searching for jobs to get some XD


I'm headed to carlise tomorrow and there is a small sainsburys there, i'm hoping they might have some, there is also a game on my way back so fingers crossed. Whoever finds them first should take orders :laughingsmiley:


XD My thoughts exactly. Just to warn you; no GAME or Gamestation is likely to have them since the administrators probably took them away. Best of luck to you! I'm PRETTY sure Braehead in Glasgow still has them (they did have them previously, as I made an emergency buy to get an item on sale as a gift)


Nowhere near me has them at the moment, but I'm hoping once I get back up north for uni, I'll be able to find some, I'm going to assume that being in a city will help! If I find any anywhere I'll let you guys know. I NEED some!!


I checked out ebay, no postage to pay but they are a bit overpriced and come directly from the US. My local Tesco keeps gift cards for everything you could possibly imagine including some other game sites, but not for this one :sad02: Life is cruel.......

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