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Habitarium : Help me make a help page!

Lady Kakata

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Not bad. I would say there are a few things to change:


you can DISCARD any buildings you don't want (as long as you haven't used them)


You can discard any building even if you have used them. You can gift people buildings as long as you haven't built them.


You have one Nester of each species. I've run out of Larnikins/Pinchits/Mootix, how do I get one? Can I trade you?


This whole paragraph seems wordy. I would take out the first sentence of this question though.


A long time!


This doesn't really answer the question. I would say it can take as little as a week to rebuild a habitrarium after starting over but your first time getting there can take much longer.


As far as things to add, I would add that going on the neoboards and asking for gifts (nests/hospitals/barracks) is a good way to gain xp and will level you quickly. Just need to add them to friends list etc.


Also I would add a picture of your habi full of gems like in the morning (if you leaves yours open the whole night) to show that the gems only collect in the 11x11 square starting from the back. It is important when arranging your habi to be most efficient.

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That's the thing though; it really does depend and I don't like giving a definate time. It took me a loooooooooooong time as my laptop used to overheat and die after having the habi open for mere MINUTES until I took an air duster to it, now I can leave it open overnight

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Then there is no point in putting it. Why answer a question with a vague answer if it isn't informative. I understand not wanting to give a number because people might get annoyed they can't do it in that time. I would be more inclined to put a number so people get a ball park number. A long time doesn't mean much to me. Just my opinion of course.

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Yeah no joke. I would love to be above level 50. I want to upgrade a barracks to level three already. That would be cool if when they did it they also increased how much things cost. Because when my p3s are producing that much more I don't want to have to upgrade all the nests like i do if i now produce twice as much. That would take forever.


If you wanted to keep that question maybe you could ask a few people how long it took them and say on average it took around this long to level up but say that this is all dependent on you. It wasn't a bad question, the answer just made me have more questions. If that makes sense.

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"Walking to and from storages wastes time, whereas boxing them in stops the time wasting. Don't worry, the resources will still go to storages!"


It still takes the same amount of time, but there is less animation and so will help with lag.


It's really good though, I love the format.

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I'd be curious to know if there are any guides on how to "salvage" a habitarium. Lots of guides have really good tips, but I'm stuck in a cycle where I only have 3 p3's and the professor just replaces them when they die because I'm finding it too difficult to repopulate it myself. Anything that will help neglected habitariums above level 7? :P

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I'd be curious to know if there are any guides on how to "salvage" a habitarium. Lots of guides have really good tips, but I'm stuck in a cycle where I only have 3 p3's and the professor just replaces them when they die because I'm finding it too difficult to repopulate it myself. Anything that will help neglected habitariums above level 7? :P


Repopulating can be a pain. Pretty much you just have to be diligent with the nester. After they produce an egg always harvest the nesters, and hatch the other p3s until you have 3 soldiers (until level 35ish three soldiers will kill everything.) and as many workers as you can handle. Then when that one nester dies off in a week hopefully you will get a different species and can start rebuilding that population too. Once he gives you the second species you should hopefully have a nester of the previous species in the bag. Hatch that so both the nesters die at around the same time. Still harvest the eggs, and hatch whatever you need to keep your habi sustainable. Now when they both die it is only luck if you get the third species. If you don't care then just continue to constantly harvest eggs. It maybe useful to have up to 9 nesters to repopulate. I know when i tried to get to level 50 after my many restarts it always seems easier if you have a ton of nesters in the beginning and as you start to get higher slowly let them die out. I stop harvesting when I have at least a page of each species and each occupation. So a page of mootix nesters, another for soilders, and another for workers, and so on per species.


I hoped that helped a little. It will take some time but it is doable.


EDIT: The only reason why it is important to not hatch more nesters is so you can get another species. If you don't care that your entire habi will only have one species once you have repopulated this isn't super necessary.

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