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Pranks for today

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So what are you doing?


I'm never one to do mean jokes or anything. My style of opportunity of a lifetime is to take something very small and make it big.


One 04/01, I did the eyeshadow opportunity of a lifetime. You know, you put some eyeshadow on your finger, and you tell someone they have an eyelash on your cheek. You then "wipe off" the non-existent eyelash. Sounds simple, and it is--what made this awesome was that I did it to a lot of people in the same class. We were doing activities in French class, and I managed to get twelve people IN THE SAME CLASS. They were all walking around with purple marks on their faces, and nobody caught on until class was over.


Last year, I was in the opera Iolanthe, and it opened on 04/01. We had to wear crazy amounts of make-up and glitter, and we tried to make it so we didn't look like normal humans. So naturally, it was the perfect opportunity to say "I dyed my hair!" on facebook. I made it elaborate, though, in doing it, and people ACTUALLY BELIEVED ME. I started out with "My fairy costume theme is Winter Rain, and my colors are purple and silver. My hair didn't really go with the theme, though, so I decided to dye my hair platinum blonde and put purple streaks in it. So far, I've dyed it the blonde, and the results are...interesting. Pictures to follow." A little bit later, I posted that the purple didn't work so well on the platinum blonde--it lightened to pink. I found a picture on the Internet of the back of somebody's head with those colors. People actually believed it.




This year, I did the pregnancy opportunity of a lifetime. You know how a lot of people post on facebook how they're pregnant, or they just had a baby today? I did something similar, but I'm enjoying myself a little too much...I'M not the one who had the baby. And obviously, no one's going to fall for this. BUT IT'S SO DARN CUTE.


This is the photo album with captions:



We had a wonderful surprise today! Squattette gave birth to a beautiful baby girl today. Here's a proud picture of mother and daughter.




Aww, she's so curious that she's already starting to crawl around! Meanwhile putting her prickly little tail right in her mother's face. That's not polite, little squirrel!




Another picture of mother and daughter. We haven't come up with a name yet for the little one--ideas, anyone?




Baby picture!




The smiling mother lies down to take a nap.




Since Squattette is tired, she's taking a nap. We asked Fluttershy to baby-sit, because she's so good with the cute little animals.







In an hour or two, the drama will begin. We will begin to wonder who the father is...and then Peter Rabbit, Pikachu, Plushie Eiffel Tour, and Mick Jaguar and Felionel Ritchie (the hugging twins) will come in!

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