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Question on writing a story for the neopian times?


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Things we'd prefer NOT to see in the Neopian Times:

  • Graphic descriptions of excessive violence, death or bloodshed. Remember, users of all ages can read the Times.
  • Species or colours that don't exist on the site. This also includes hybrid pets, pet/humans, and new faerie types.

1.) I'm not so sure how to do a fight scene then, like a BD battle with abilities or what? I planned on having a battle thing go on you know like the good guys vs the bad guys but I really don't want it all dull and stuff. I mean its a battle , people get hurt. I can skate around the dying part to say they just passed out or teleported or something, I don't know yet on that. And would a little blood be ok? Like a broken lip and black eye kinda thing? Or broken bone or does the neopet just pass out with dust marks on them?


2.) I know not to make a new faerie type but do we have to follow the dress code of that type of faerie? For example if I want my main character to be a Earth faerie does she have to be all green with a grass dress and brown hair or can she have black hair maybe with pale skin and spooky green eyes with non green, well maybe some green, clothes? and what of male faeries? Can that happen?


3.) Will probably think of something later :P

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Male Faeries are explicitly not allowed in the Times, since they do not exist in Neopia (despite the Facebook poll). And there is a Swamp Faerie .... Earth Faeries follow a specific kind of dress code with minor variations (for example, Illusen is an Earth Faerie but she's unique amongst Earth Faeries but still follows a similar colour scheme)


Think of it like Pokémon; Pokémon never die in battle, merely faint while dusty / covered with an effect from battle like dust or scratches. Only the Tower and info on species mentions dying at all

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I know of Ilere and Illusen, I was just wondering though.


Yeah I was thinking of doing it like that but when they pass out have them be transported or something by faerie magic. I don't know yet. Thanks.

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