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Species : Skeith

Agility : 28 (GREAT (28))

Attack Strength : 77 (AWESOME (77))

Defence Strength : 13 (very heavy)

Current hp: 148 / 148

Level : 11


Budget: 400,000NP

Method of Training: Lab Ray


Current Equipment:


Green Frost Cannon

Scarab Ring

Greater Healing Scroll


Winged Scarab

Scuzzys Comb

Purple Sticky Hand

Ramtors Spellbook


Winged Scarab can be upgraded to Altadorian Swordbreaker for a better physical blocker.

Scarab Ring should be upgraded to the likes of Hanso Charisma Charm, Ylanas Blaster, or Brynns Sword.

Green Frost Cannon can be upgraded to Randomly Firing Freeze Ray.


I'd recommend saving for a Hanso Charisma Charm and then perhaps the Swordbreaker. :)


I personally think you should buy the reflectors. Since your are on a tight budget, those 50% reflectors will do just fine. Also, I don't see the point in using a full physical shield 'coz most of the icons used in DoN are water/earth/dark based. I agree that getting an HCC is a must. Keep the downsize!. keep the purple sticky hand (it's useless though for some DoN challengers who will not allow stealing). And yes, the RFF is the closest upgrade you can get for your budget. You may want to buy some of those 15 iconer muffins/snow balls as a substitute for a bomb.


Don't think I have enough neopoints for both Hanso Charisma Charm and Randomly Firing Freeze Ray at the moment. Should I sell my old equipment such as the Ramtors and the Scuzzys? I can just use Ridiculously Heavy Battle Hammer or some of those muffins in the meantime, right?


If were you, I'll keep those two but I'll sell the winged scarab. Just save more NPs until you'll be able to buy HCC and RFFR. They're not that expensive anyways. :)


HCC has been inflating (sometimes by others hoarding) so it is best to be patient and look for offers around the 500K-550K range or lower. (some people jack up the prices)


Not many 1-P use mass physical (except Vira and a couple others). Also, when it defends, you do yourself some damage.

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