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The Difference Between A newbie and a NEwb(n00b)

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newbie: (n, a) One who is officially a newbie. New to neopets. (see their user lookup for proof. it will say "newbie" with a moehog on it)

n00b: (n, a) An airheaded, inconsiderate, selfish, greedy, scamming neopian.



-n00bs usuelly spel evrtheng rong so yu cant reed or undarstend wot ther tryeng to sey. They lso uze chtspk alt cz thr 2 lzy 2 uze prpr gramr.


Translation: They also use chatspeak because their too lazy to use proper grammar (okay, i admit that went a little bit too far but at least it gave you the idea.)


Misuse of spelling and grammar and use of chatspeak tend to be dead giveaways.


Most of the time, newbies arent n00bs. Except for the really dumb greedy ones. Yes, they CAN overlap but not all the time.....so DON'T jump to conclusions.....


-n00bs usually beg and beg and beg by just plain begging, making you feel sorry for them

help my acount wos frozin and i hav no neopoints!!, my mom has canser and can only b curd from a peintbrush!) or scamming you into it. (if you by this pile of dung for 1000 nps i wil giv u a stary peintbrush.) or, one of my personal favorites, (if yu jion mai gild i wil giv you 1000000 nps and 23 codestones and fairys and more so join today!

uh huh.....suuuure....


Newbies usually kindly ask you questions like "how do you get neopoints?" or "how do you make a shop?" They usually ask innocent questions that dont involve giving away neopoints or bribery. Newbies won't ever bribe you-- just ask questions because they need help to know how to play neopets.


n00b: Cen u giv me all yur nps pleeze i promice i wl giv them all bakc~


newbie: How do you get neopoints?


That is a great way to distinguish n00b from newbie.


newbie: whats a paintbrush and how much neopoints does it cost?


n00b: plz cn i hv a peintbrush NOW if u dnt gv it 2 me ur getin frozin!


N00bs love reporting people. they live for it because it heightens their low self-esteem. Newbies dont even know there IS such thing! So if someone reports you for the dumbest reason, like the one below, then they you can consider them a n00b.

n00b: pleze give me a peintbrush?

me: no, sorry i cant afford it....

n00b: omg ur so meen im reportin u 4 beng meen!!


Newbies are perfectly fine with themeselves and prefer not to go around begging for neopoints because they are confident that they can make neopoints themselves. Newbies ask "how" questions, n00bs ask "can you please...." questions. Newbies like to do and accomplish things themeselves, while n00bs like people doing it for them. They want the easy way out. Newbies want your advice, n00bs want your neopoints. It's that simple!


n00bs also clutter the boards with useless topics that nobody could care less about like "omgomgomgomgomg!!" or "i just ate a cookie!" or "if u cn rd dis dn u gt 1000 nps nd a pb". Just ignore those boards, because the more you post on them to tell them to shut up, the higher the board will be on the list. A great way to rid neopia of those useless boards is to just INGORE them!!


n00bs always say things like "cn i hv ur peintbrush il giv it bk i promice!" Common...do you really believe that? Believe it or not, they ARE smart enough to know that you can't "borrow" a paintbrush and give it back! They are just playing dumb. A n00b's main purpose in life is to annoy you like crazy until you self destruct and give them all your neopoints. But, their too dumb to know that that can't happen....so they just keep annoying you and spamming you and the boards like crazy.


Personally, 90% of all neomail i get are spam from n00bs. Like asking me for neopoints or to join their guild even though i made it real CLEAR on my userlookup NEVER to send me guild invites. I also get stupid neomails from people I dont know that say: "can you give me your msn name? do you have aim i want to add you!" Those people probably dont have many friends and want to brag about their long contact list....of imaginary people they dont know!! Just delete those neomails and NEVER reply them because that will encourage them to send you more spam. If you ignore them, they'll just go onto the next person and forget all about you......which is exactly what you want. Also, when a random person you don't know asks you to be their neofriend, i suggest you reject them, because it can lead to trouble. Dont worry, rejecting them is not mean. Its their fault for requesting to be neofriends with people you dont know. and neofriend hungry people can get extremely annoying.... I know from experience!


Okay, now heres a neomail or a neoboard topic that comes up quite often. "My pet is dieng and needs food!" It is hard to tell it its a newbie who just wants to know how to :"save her pet from dying" or a n00b who just wants your items to sell in his/her shop to get neopoints. A great way to deal with this is to reply to them kindly, saying something like "Neopets dont die. They never ever will. So it is not compulsory/needed to feed them." If its a newbie, she/he'll understand. If he/she keeps saying "but my other pet did die and i dont want it to happen to this one! Please give me all your items or neopoints!" or something like that, then you know for sure its a n00b trying out his/her latest "get rich quick" schemes. Just leave that board. Its that simple. Try not to say things like "Earn nps yourself!" or "Buy your own food" because that may come across as harsh and you might just end up with a new enemy. N00bs can be pretty sensitive when it comes to things like that. You also risk a chance of being reported. So I suggest its best you stay out of it.


To sum it all up, n00bs have bad intentions, newbies have good intentions. If you REALLY want to be able to differentiate between the two without getting confused, prounounce n00bs "noobs" and newbies "noobies." That can be helpful as a last resort.


I think the best thing to do on neopets to avoid run-ins with n00bs is to trust your gut and use logic. And the old saying, "if its too good to be true, it probably is" couldnt be any truer. The best thing to do when you encounter a n00b is to ignore them. The best thing to do to a newbie is to help them. Not by giving them neopoints, but by giving them advice. Who knows, maybe your kindness will come back to you someday....

i got it from another site. I


It was from SF


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