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Anyone know their magma pool time?


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I believe mine is Wednesday, around 3 AM EASTERN TIME (so 12-ish in Neopet's time zone). I can try for you if you like, as long as you send me him/her around Wednesday so I can leave my free space open. :)


I didn't know that the day affected your pool time. Are you sure it has to be Wednesday?

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Oh, does it not? So it's the same time everyday? For some reason, I had thought it was only one day of the week? Maybe I misunderstood? o_O


Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's every day. :)


So... you wanna try it then?


EDIT: Oh wow, I didn't realize what time it was... I guess it's too late now. Thanks for offering, though. :)

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I suggest adding the Magma Pool to your dailies list and checking back often. I found my time FOREVER ago and painted my Lutari but I didn't know our time stayed the same forever so I didn't bother writing it down :laughingsmiley:

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's every day. :)


So... you wanna try it then?


EDIT: Oh wow, I didn't realize what time it was... I guess it's too late now. Thanks for offering, though. :)


Hahah no it's not! I meant 12:00 AM Neopet's time. Just offer your pet for adoption to me. :) If I didn't recall the time accurately I'll try again tomorrow. If still not, I'll give him back. But I'm pretty sure it's around 12:00 AM-ish-1:00AM-ish Neopet's time.

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OK, your Grundo is now painted Magma! I'd appreciate it if you could neomail me the side account you'd like me to transfer him to, I have to give him back today because I'm scheduled to receive a Pink Neopet from ALP and need room in the account! ^-^ Actually, I'm going to send him to your Candy account, sorry, I just want to make sure I do it quickly!!! Congrats on your newly painted Grundo!


What I've heard:


You get a total of 10 minutes, but it CAN be split up into two 5 minute blocks.


It's the same time everyday.



Can anyone confirm this?


It's 3:40 AM for me. (It's not 4:00AM in my time). I have to go to bed, but I'm pretty sure that I had the whole time from 3:40-3:50 AM. :) (Eastern time, so 12:40 AM until 15:50 AM Neopet's time.

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Thanks so much everyone for your answers.

I'll be making a spread sheet soon :)

(I hope it's the same time each day!)




Edit: I found my magma pool time!! Woot woot! 2:12 pm ..

I'll post back in a week (I couldn't help but paint my neopet! lol) to see if it's by 5 min intervals or ten, or even if it's each day, or the exact day of the week at the exact time.



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