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Gifting Boards: Your Opinion


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We're only talking about Pet gifting, as NC and NP items aren't allowed.


I'm an active gifter in the gifting boards on the PC. I've gifted many pets. But at least once a week someone comes in freaking out about how annoying it is that some people get gifted their pets.


AND NC used to be allowed to get gifted until people kept writing it telling TNT they thought it wasn't fair. Why did people even do that? It didn't affect them. I personally love to gift, and it's annoying that some people get upset by that.


So what's your opinion on people gifting pets?


Personally, I ONLY gift to someone that is TRYING to get their dreamies. Like they are saving up and such. As I feel they really want them. I ignore those that come on saying "Please gift me because I'll never save up enough!" And you ask how much they have saved and they say 'none' because it's impossible...


EVERYONE can make at LEAST 10,000 Neopoints a day in less than half an hour. :/ /endrant there.

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I personally don't think it's a big deal. Someone gifted me a Poogle because it was my dream pet. They were so generous! It's great that people really like to help others out. :P I hadn't even asked for it, I just posted under a forum that my dream pet was a Poogle. If someone is upset by it, let it be. It's not like it's effecting them in anyway.

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I gift pets all the time. xD Mostly Halloween and below colors. I've gifted a Thornberry Chia, a Grey Yurble, a Halloween Kyrii, and a few others I'm probably forgetting. It's what I do with my Laboratory Map, honestly. I mean, I'm trying for a Halloween Eyrie to crosspaint my Faerie, and I'm trying to turn Wheatli into a Robot, but if I get a color zap I check to see if anyone wants it before doing anything with it. I have a White Flotsam and a Grey Eyrie I'm constantly checking boards to see if anyone really wants one of them. I also check dreamie listings. I have most of the pets I want, outside of a Pirate-Desert-Shadow crosspaint Draik, but I need /something/ to save up for, lol.


EDIT: So no, no I don't think it's a big deal. I mean, gift only polite people that seem like they want it... but I think it's nice to gift. :3

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I don't see a problem with it. I'd love to get gifted a pet I wanted, but I don't really have any pets to give at the moment, so I feel too guilty to post :P


But yeah, I think that people should be trying to get their dream pet if it's going to be gifted to them... I've heard from people who gifted a pet and then the other person went and traded it right away.

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I would love to one day gift someone a pet :3 I think it would make me all tingly.


I have been gifted a pet before, my beloved faerie grundo thurmyl and she's wonderful. So no I don't think it's a big deal and I think it's a lovely thing for someone to do :DD

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Oh! So that's what gifting meant! I've seen the boards for them.


My opinion? None! Neopets is a never-ending game where you create your own goals; and some people's goals are to assist others in achieving their own goals - it's their personal game experience and it's what they desire, it does not affect anyone else.


HOWEVER, because Neopets is still technically a "game", some people want others to "play fairly", and feel that giving someone a painted pet is cheating (on the part the people did not "earn" their rare pet by simply playing and saving NP), DESPITE the fact that in many circumstances, it takes a lot of effort on behalf of people to obtain their dream pet - petpages, artwork, stories (I understand that petpage requests are forbidden, but regardless, obtaining your dream pet through such criteria is normally wonderful and you tend to feel like one has deserved this.


Because pets are a prime part of the Neopet's experience, I comprehend this perspective - however, one also has to acknowledge that not everyone's strengths are in say, the game play, or restocking, and just because someone can't get high game scores does not mean that they haven't placed effort into it.


Bottom line? If people are going to waste their time whining and complaining and trying to sabotage people obtaining their dream pet's, ]that their own ruined experience, not anyone else's. But seeing as Neopets IS much a luck-based website (ie; I've NEVER won a fountain Quest yet much lesser accounts have and have received their dream pet, some people are awarded the Lottery, some people are gifted through the wishing Fountain), I really think they need to relax, as many "undeserving" people have received some really nice pets all because of luck.


I'm a bit biased because I used to be a part of a pet zapping website who gave people their dream pets when requested; I ENJOYED doing so, it was part of my game experience, and a lot of the time, the people who requested them put a lot of time into their Neomails. I advocate helping others in BOTH reality and Neopets, and I see these people's perspectives as being somewhat like the rich, priveleged people who continue to allow the poor to suffer. (Although I'm sure some "poorer" people may carry this perspective.)


Also, I wasn't aware of this whole gifting NC stuff. That doesn't make any sense at all - people can't afford the NC Mall items or they're restricted in their own country - I had thought TNT would prefer everyone has access to their stuff? That's ridicules.

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I don't see a problem with gifting either. I generally would feel completely humbled if someone gifted me anything at all. However I could never accept a dream pet, its a goal I intend to meet in the long run. I suppose I'm learning the first million was the hardest to earn... haha

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I love gifting! My most prized pets on my old account (Marquan Eyrie and Strawberry Kiko) were given to me by members of this site and i was sooooo grateful! My current favourite (Wraith Korbat) also came from a very generous friend (L)


I can only hope that one day ill be able to return the favour (not only to them, but also to anyone who wants what i'm offering) - thats my main reason for zapping and pound surfing in fact!


it does get annoying when people beg for your pets, but hey, the block button is there for a reason right? :P

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Because pets are a prime part of the Neopet's experience, I comprehend this perspective - however, one also has to acknowledge that not everyone's strengths are in say, the game play, or restocking, and just because someone can't get high game scores does not mean that they haven't placed effort into it.


Bottom line? If people are going to waste their time whining and complaining and trying to sabotage people obtaining their dream pet's, ]that their own ruined experience, not anyone else's. But seeing as Neopets IS much a luck-based website...


I'm a bit biased because I used to be a part of a pet zapping website who gave people their dream pets when requested; I ENJOYED doing so, it was part of my game experience, and a lot of the time, the people who requested them put a lot of time into their Neomails...


Totally agree. Everybody at the top in the real world got there a variety of different ways, too. Some people are technically gifted, then there's the networking types, and of course don't forget about the cheaters and scammers, etc... one of the cool things about Neo is how much you can tailor your game play to what you like to do... something for everybody.

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I don't have an issue with gifting pets- I'll give or occasionally I just pound the pet and hope that someone who really appreciates it gets it. I mean, that may seem harsh to the pet but if I don't want it anymore usually someone will pick it up in the pound :) If if was a really rare pet I'd probably trade it- but I might not have an issue with gifting it. I've been gifted a few pets and I always think it's really sweet.

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I would love to get to the stage where I am gifting people - but I think I'll get irked too quickly by re-traders. I wouldn't mind someone re-trading for a dreamie, though.


I think if you say "The receiver must deserve the pet, but not be rich enough to afford it", then you need to work out a standard of deserving-ness, because at what point do they become "rich enough" - when they're half way there? What if it's a Lost Desert PB vs. a Ghost PB? - , and at what point do they become "deserving" - trophies? Nice lookups and pages? Obviously not wealth, but does that mean that they can't (NP) customise expensively, because they could sell it all for the brush? - ?


It's really up to the gifter. I think that's all there is to say on the matter. No one who doesn't have anything to do with the gifting has a right to whine - it's nothing to do with them.

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I think if you say "The receiver must deserve the pet, but not be rich enough to afford it", then you need to work out a standard of deserving-ness, because at what point do they become "rich enough" - when they're half way there? What if it's a Lost Desert PB vs. a Ghost PB? - , and at what point do they become "deserving" - trophies? Nice lookups and pages?


I would want to favor the poorest players, but it would probably be the Neomail conversation and their userlookup and pages. If they seem nice and honest through email with absolutely no begging, I wouldn't have a problem gifting to that person.

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I must have given away over 100 painted pets in the last 5 years, I've had the lab map for all that time, I get pets out of the pound, I paint them, and I put them back in the pound, this is one of my FAVOURITE things on the site, it makes me so happy when I think that someone somewhere has a lovely painted pet, it makes me like an anonymous donor <3


I don't see how people say that people don't deserve them or haven't worked for them, a lot of this site is based on luck - they get paintbrushes from wheels, or from the fruit machine, did they "earn" them, they get them from the wishing well, did they "earn" them - no it's luck! I had a ffq on the last fairie quest thingie, I didn't earn it, it was complete and utter luck - I was lucky... however I almost have 0% of the random avvies, so in that way I don't have luck...


People should stop wasting energy on thinking about who deserves what, life's unfair mostly, both rl and not rl... sucks but true.


On nearly a not :offtopic: note - does anybody want a woodland kacheek before I put it in the pound? ;)

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I gift pets every now and then, low-mid tier pets, if I get a good zap from my lab, and I just love it how grateful people can be!

So, if they don't beg, I do gift pets, and I don't see why people have a problem with that, because, it's your pet, and if you want to give him/her to somebody else, isn't that your choice?

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I'm sort of soured on gifting at the moment. I traded my prized MSP around a year ago (possibly less, I have a terrible memory) to a really good Neofriend who was *desperate* for a Transparent Wocky; we fell out few weeks ago because I didn't reply to her for an hour because I was busy advertising for the BC - she had a go at me and told me to "grow up" :S This month I found out she's traded the Wocky and when I mailed her about it she blocked me. So yeah. I'm not happy at the moment, probably wont be gifting for a while. :/

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I'm sort of soured on gifting at the moment. I traded my prized MSP around a year ago (possibly less, I have a terrible memory) to a really good Neofriend who was *desperate* for a Transparent Wocky; we fell out few weeks ago because I didn't reply to her for an hour because I was busy advertising for the BC - she had a go at me and told me to "grow up" :S This month I found out she's traded the Wocky and when I mailed her about it she blocked me. So yeah. I'm not happy at the moment, probably wont be gifting for a while. :/


Well, thankfully, most of us who have had to gift pets basically gifted pets we got without sacrificing our own. In my case, the lab ray has provided me some pretty nifty pets to give away. ^^ I would only award some friends, but I would never give up my favourite Neopets for anyone, as selfish as that sounds. ^-^ Some people just get moody. Obviously, the pet wasn't her most favourite if she had went and traded for it!

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Well, thankfully, most of us who have had to gift pets basically gifted pets we got without sacrificing our own. In my case, the lab ray has provided me some pretty nifty pets to give away. ^^ I would only award some friends, but I would never give up my favourite Neopets for anyone, as selfish as that sounds. ^-^ Some people just get moody. Obviously, the pet wasn't her most favourite if she had went and traded for it!


To be honest I think she got rid of it either to spite me or because it reminded her of me :/. I've adopted out many pets through creation and zapping, which is all good, I'm just very annoyed right now XD I think I'ma give it a rest for a while until I feel like being nice again lol.

I don't think that's selfish, it's probably wise. I wouldn't do that now, I've worked too hard for my current pets and wouldn't want to risk anything like this happening again. The most irritating thing is that I thought I knew her; she was the first friend I made when I joined TDN (originally) and we used to be really close :(

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I don't think that's selfish, it's probably wise. I wouldn't do that now, I've worked too hard for my current pets and wouldn't want to risk anything like this happening again.


When people don't have to work for something they just can't appreciate it as much. So it'd be hard for me to give away a pet I had sunk a lot of time to as opposed to just zapping it.

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