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Stamps, avatars, trophies, ect...

When you see an account what makes you go "daaaaaang gurl!"?



With me, avatar count is what makes the difference to me.

But good AC stats are what get respect for the player. ;D


When I see a bit of everything.


I have a bit of everything, but I don't think my account is good. So there's a kind of base line for what I mean. A bit more than what I have.


200 stamps. 200 cards. 200 avatars. A few more trophies than I have. A battledome pet. A nice gallery. Big shop, stocked.


Sounds hard, but I have seen many accounts like that and I hope for mine to be like that. I've only by passed my avatar goal thus far .xD


i agree with april it has to have a bit of everything its too easy for someone to just hardcore one area such as avvies especially with the amazing ALP, having lots of trophies site event medals, stamps etc and a good trained pet (customization optional but definitely painted) shows they've put alot of time into their account and neopets in general


The first things that come to mind are a good gallery, avatars, and painted pets (ideally something more indepth rather than just, say, a Purple or Orange pet). Good gallery is really what gets me though, because I know how hard it is to build one up.


painted pets (ideally something more indepth rather than just, say, a Purple or Orange pet).






Painted pets don't matter to me because personally, my favourite colour is one of the cheapest. Tyrannian. I love the Krawks, Kougras and such the most.

Oops, sorry for not quoting. Got used to chatting ont he neoboards, today! Lol


I don't really judge other people's accounts, but what I personally find impressive are these things: Account Age Account Trophies (including plot trophies) Account Pets (they can be painted, not painted but with high levels; high knowledge) Account Pet's Petpets Avatar Account (Or certain Rare Avatars) UC Pets (love to look at them and I'm envious) I don't care about: Shop size Stamps NeoHome Guilds Gallery I find artsy work impressive; and I'm impressed by people who can make their own layouts. When browsing AC chat, sometimes I see guilds asking for certain "qualifications", their "qualifications" often include: High Battledome status Expensive "Painted Pets" 300+ Avatars High level Shop High Level Habitarium (50) Some Trophies I also like people who have account "themes", even if they're not really "impressive". I love the accounts which only have baby pets; or Draiks; or say, even Disco. Themes are sort of cool as is loving a particular pet. I have no Gallery, and I don't think collecting anything really impresses me much. I love collecting avatars, and I'd find 300 impressive enough. I think trophies help get rid of "white space", so I like it when people have some trophies. I really like custom layouts for pets and userlook-ups, and people who can make graphics+HTML impress me and sort of make their accounts nifty.


The first thing I look for is nicely painted pets and nice customization with nice lookup and pet lookups. I just feel it shows they've put quite a bit of time into their account and care about it. Then I look at shop and gallery size and stock of the shop. Then I look at how many avatars, stamps, bd wins, and trophies a person has. Basically if someone has nice stats in all these areas it impresses me.


I really love it when I see a profile, petpage, or shop, that has its own design. I can't do anything like that, but I do admire that other people can.


I also like seeing pets that are customised - painted, clothes, backgrounds, petpets, anything that shows they've thought about it and put some effort into making their pet pretty. Even when I had hardly any neopoints, I always wanted my pets to have a background and a petpet that matched some kind of theme. I think avatar count, galleries, and shop stock is cool... but it doesn't make me go wow like seeing a fancy profile and a dapper looking pet. :)


Well when I was lending I think i was most swayed by account age, stamps, UC pets (jealous), and trophies. I never really looked at galleries or shop size (over sight I guess) despite now realizing I put a lot of effort into mine so I should give others credit for theres.


Pretty much it was whatever I was into at the time. If i was training Quigs then I would really want to see a nice battledome pet. If i was collecting stamps it was more stamps then me. I was sort of an all over the place person.


I'm not really impressed by account age. I have two side accounts that are relatively old, and they never got anywhere until I started playing again last summer. The age doesn't accurately show how much effort you actually put into the game. Also, avatar count doesn't really impress me unless it's really high. Not because I'm an avid AC, but because I don't actually care about avatars.


I am impressed by customization, especially NP-heavy ones because those can take a LOT of effort. I don't usually look at galleries, but they can be really amazing.


The thing that catches my eye the most is smiling pets. Yes, it only takes 5np per pet a night, but seeing well-fed pets is becoming rarer and rarer. Also, it shows that the user is online frequently enough to make sure they're fed. I think people can forget that the game is supposed to be about taking care of the pets. Really, if you can get 250+ avatars, you have the time to put your pets in the Neolodge.


Oh I love looking at pets and if they are cared for and happy and if love has been given to get them trained, educated, a gourmet palate.

I also like account age to a certain extent. I don't know how brand new accounts achieve such high trophy counts, etc. so it makes me suspicious.

Shop size doesn't matter some people don't like doing that.

Other than that if it just looks nice and well-loved.


I dunno. Sometimes when I look at someone's UL, I'm like "woah" because their page is so overwhelming (and not in a good way).. too many frills and just too much STUFF. For the most part, I'm impressed by/envious of trophies and SAs. I also like well cared for pets, and those who have been trained up a lot or been read to plenty.


I'm not really impressed by account age. I have two side accounts that are relatively old, and they never got anywhere until I started playing again last summer. The age doesn't accurately show how much effort you actually put into the game. Also, avatar count doesn't really impress me unless it's really high. Not because I'm an avid AC, but because I don't actually care about avatars.


I am impressed by customization, especially NP-heavy ones because those can take a LOT of effort. I don't usually look at galleries, but they can be really amazing.


The thing that catches my eye the most is smiling pets. Yes, it only takes 5np per pet a night, but seeing well-fed pets is becoming rarer and rarer. Also, it shows that the user is online frequently enough to make sure they're fed. I think people can forget that the game is supposed to be about taking care of the pets. Really, if you can get 250+ avatars, you have the time to put your pets in the Neolodge.

i rarely feed my pets i play neopets as a game and i dont see any advantage to feeding my pets and keeping them happy, i would if they were painted so they didn't turn blue or invisble but i havn't amassed the amazing amount of wealth needed to paint my pets the colours i want.


Oh I love looking at pets and if they are cared for and happy and if love has been given to get them trained, educated, a gourmet palate.

I also like account age to a certain extent. I don't know how brand new accounts achieve such high trophy counts, etc. so it makes me suspicious.

Shop size doesn't matter some people don't like doing that.

Other than that if it just looks nice and well-loved.


you have to remember that people get frozen alot and a fair amount of the time its not for cheating but because tnt seem to like to swing around that icy banhammer a bit too much or some players like me are returning from long hiatus and have long forgotten their account details or they've been frozen/purged due to lack of activity, so they generally are quite good at np games.


i personally spend a day playing a game i'm gunning for a trophy in before i attempt it i also look at the top score and my average score to see how likely it is i'll get it this month


you have to remember that people get frozen alot and a fair amount of the time its not for cheating but because tnt seem to like to swing around that icy banhammer a bit too much or some players like me are returning from long hiatus and have long forgotten their account details or they've been frozen/purged due to lack of activity, so they generally are quite good at np games.


i personally spend a day playing a game i'm gunning for a trophy in before i attempt it i also look at the top score and my average score to see how likely it is i'll get it this month


I agree with you for the most part but the accounts that are 2 weeks to a month old and have a scroll down page of gold game trophies are quite suspicious, well, unless they are gaming savants. If you "spend a day playing a game i'm gunning for a trophy in before i attempt it i also look at the top score and my average score to see how likely it is i'll get it this month" that is not the type of account I was meaning.


i rarely feed my pets i play neopets as a game and i dont see any advantage to feeding my pets and keeping them happy, i would if they were painted so they didn't turn blue or invisble but i havn't amassed the amazing amount of wealth needed to paint my pets the colours i want.


I realize that people do feel that way, and that's fine by me. I have nothing against them, if that's how they want to play the game. I don't care about avatars or training, they don't have to care about feeding their pets. I know part of my other post kind of contradicted that, so I apologize and I didn't mean to offend anyone.


It's just nice to me when people do take care of their pets, and I think it makes the account look better just like having a pretty layout or nice customizations would.


decent amount of stamps, bd pet that can easily beat all DoN challengers, at least 3 rows of trophies (unless they are rich and dont care about trophies in which case their gallery and pet better be good). at least 250 avatars. That makes a medium account. but when they have 500+ stamps, 320+ avatars, gallery with a few 100mil+ items, thats when i start to get impressed.


The thing that makes me notice somebody's account is when they have rows and rows of trophies. This is because I am so challenged at games. :P


One of the first things that I would do when I'm looking at someone else's lookup would be to scroll down and check for the number and types of trophies. I know that there is more to Neopets than just having numerous trophies, but I im impressed by good gamers.


im impressed when an account has customised pets.. and i dont mean NC. i mean NC is beautiful but i feel like it takes real hard work and determination to get a neopet to look good (theme and story-wise) with NPs.


i used to be impressed with account age back when i had my old account, but now that i have had to start over, that doesnt seem to matter so much anymore


At first glance it's avatars and pets for me. I look for stuff like Neopian Times, Poetry and Art Gallery trophies as well as I think that shows a different level of commitment than just game trophies - seeing lots of those impresses me :P


Nice UL, pet lookups, and pet pages. Pet pages is a pretty big one for me, ones that are organised (hidden anchors omg LOVE! So happen when i figured out how to do them) and actually talk about the pet.


I also really like nicely customised pets, with mostly NP stuff (I'm sorry, I do not like NC. I feel like I'm gonna offend someone) and ones that have been painted or it's obvious why they have not been painted anything other than a basic colour. It always makes me smile when I see baby pets that are not customised with that crib thing (do not like). I went on this account once and it was four baby pets, all in the crib thing. They can exist outside of little beds, y'know.


Couldn't really care less about trophies and avvies. Galleries are impressive too, however, and ones that are html'd and css'd.


Hmmm... I'd have to say either my pets or my amazing Pineapple themed gallery. I love them! <3


Trophies. When I see someone with dozens of trophies, I'm just like, "WHAT? TEACH ME, MASTERRRRR." Also pets, like Draiks and UCs, of course. :D

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