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The story over the past few days:


A couple of days ago, I got lent BGC--for free. Awesome? Yes.


The next day, I got a neomail asking to borrow battle weapons

Hey, mind if I borrow some BD items to fight the snowager. I can not seem to beat him, let me know if I can , thank you very much just put it in trade i will offer, i will return it asap promise. wont be too long either,15-20 minutes

Because the scammer made the username so similar, I thought it was my lender, and my heart sank a little bit. "Shoot," I thought, "is this how it goes?" I clicked to the person, and I saw their account was new. Rather than making me think "Wait! This is a different person!" I thought, "Well, crap. This person scammed a BGC onto his account and is now scamming people. And TNT can freeze ME for borrowing a stolen BGC." Definitely not legit, especially since "Really? You managed to get the Snowager on your account in one day...and your pet is level 1. Right."


I really thought it was the same account. I'd viewed it before but hadn't paid attention to how old the account was. They got the same country, the same name...and like I said, the username was almost identical. The only difference was an m instead of an n.


I wrote back the scammer cautiously but not rudely, because I really do believe I owe my lender. I said I'd sold all of my weapons earlier and didn't have any left, but I was thinking about rebuilding my set but couldn't because auctions were down.


They neomailed me back asking to borrow ten million np so they could buy another Bony Grarrl Club, and they would take it out of stocks to pay me back. ...Yeah, because the brand new account has ten million in stocks. Yup.


I didn't neomail back then, and I was worried I would get frozen, since I thought the BGC was stolen and had been lent to me. I came back on, and saw that my lender was online. "Crap, I forgot, I friended my lender and he can see I'm online!" So I went to his profile to block.


And I saw the "eight months".


So I went back to my neomail and realized that this other person was a scammer with a slightly different username, and he had been frozen.




Though.....don't you think it's odd...that they knew you had had business with that person? And that you had BD items? I dunno...call me....jaded...but I think that's a bit too much of a coincidence >.>;;


i am thinking someone else got lent too, by the same lender, and thought they could steal the bgc under a shell to make some money for their main...? If they got lent, they know the lender name, they know where the board is and so they can also know who will probably be lent next. Just a thought though.


Anyway, congrats on the lend and Good thing you didnt send this guy anything!


Jacky yeah I guess that makes sense. But if it weren't advertised over the boards then I'd be highly suspicious how that scammer found out that info. And I'm also quite shocked that an 8 month old account not only had a BGC but was lending it out collateral free o.o .......Am I being jaded again? XD Either way! Congrats Karina on a good catch on both counts!


Actually, I think I was lent by the same user. They are for real. I believe they had an older account and just started anew. If thats the case they could have easily sent their BGC to that account. Or maybe this person wants to use their side for lending because they don't want to be hounded when they are posting on the boards other than for lending purposes... Just a couple random thoughts. ;)


Thanks for this message. It really helps to make everyone aware of the importance of double-checking all message senders. I'm always weary when someone I don't know messages me, although I've never been asked for anything. I'm not sure how he would have known that you had been lent, though, unless you publicly mentioned something on the AC, like your name came up on a thread, perhaps?


Jacky yeah I guess that makes sense. But if it weren't advertised over the boards then I'd be highly suspicious how that scammer found out that info. And I'm also quite shocked that an 8 month old account not only had a BGC but was lending it out collateral free o.o .......Am I being jaded again? XD Either way! Congrats Karina on a good catch on both counts!


Thanks for reminding me, guys, there is a little more to the story. Read and WATCH OUT for stuff like this:


I borrowed via neoboards, and my lender said ON THE BOARDS that he would lend me. So that's how the scammer got the name. But wait, there's more...

A couple hours later, I got a neomail from a different account, telling me that if I didn't already have a lender, he would lend me. I thought, "Wow, how has this never happened before?" ****I wrote him back saying I'd been lent on the board earlier. He wrote me back asking "Was it my friend ____?" using the first name on the account. I replied and said yes.


****You see where the error lies here. I TOLD the scammer who had lent me.


That day, I got a neomail from ANOTHER person, who asked me if *SCAMMER NAME* had lent me. This other person said that *SCAMMER NAME* was trying to scam him, but was trying to sound legit by saying he had lent me BGC. I said no, it was someone else who *SCAMMER NAME* had said was a friend. Right about this time, I was getting a bad feeling about this scammer, but I didn't yet have the bad feeling about my lender.


But the very next neomail I opened was from the fake lender account.




Anyway, guys, don't congratulate me on recognizing a scam. Pretty much when someone asks to borrow ten mil for free, or asks to borrow battle weapons, you should be cautious regardless. What I'm kicking myself for is that I DIDN'T recognize the important bits until afterward.


Also, it's highly possible for eight month old accounts to have BGC--people create new accounts and side accounts and everything, and some people are really good with the stock market, restocking, auction swiping, etc. But newbie accounts...I don't trust them, because they're not an established side account.


Wow. Did you report this person? Even though they didn't actually manage to scam you, I would do it anyway. That way TNT can have a record and if this person does manage to do something to someone else and TNT is on the fence whether to freeze them or not, they know about this.


Just explain that nothing actually happened but that you felt it was a scam.


Wow. Did you report this person? Even though they didn't actually manage to scam you, I would do it anyway. That way TNT can have a record and if this person does manage to do something to someone else and TNT is on the fence whether to freeze them or not, they know about this.


Just explain that nothing actually happened but that you felt it was a scam.


They were frozen before I even discovered a thing.


Isn't it sad that the things we are doing for fun and relaxation are being attacked by this type of person (people). I mean really, if they are willing to sink to these depths in a virtual world what are they doing in the real world??? It's truly scary!


well if not congrats, then its very good luck you didn't get caught by them :)


and its a reminder that neoboards are public areas and can be read by anyone.. and that scammers are smart people too (neomailing you on several accounts, that very close username..)


either they self froze after catching someone else out (thats still a possibility) or someone else reported them for likely the same thing. fingers crossed its the latter, and that no-one got caught out.


and yeah, i'm also very sus about any account thats very very very young.


Congratulations on the lend Karina! It's a good thing you were able to recognize this. A few months ago I had someone neomail me asking if I could give them a lot of money/items, I don't think I reported them, but I should do that if I still have the neomail. I believe it was just after I had posted on the boards for a FQD collat as well. I'm very cautious with the boards, I don't like to post my collat amount or hardly even talk on there; I'm really paranoid!

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