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These are a bunch of questions that I've been wondering since I've created my account on Neopets and I just thought that I should post them here to get answers.



1) I was in the Battledome recenty fighting against the Flaming Meerca, and I noticed that every time you attack there are litte icons to the side such as a sword, a water droplet, and a flame. Other times, the icons have those attack icons with a red line running through it. So what does this mean, and how would it affect the rest of the battle?


2) I understand that there's currently that Faerie Quest Event going on right now, and that you can recieve quests daily. But on normal circumstances, how would you receive the quests?


3) For the Money Tree, whenever I try to get something, the item almost always gets taken away "while I was pondering". I was wondering, did someone really take the item away, or is that just the page that pops up most of the time unless you're really lucky?


4) Regarding Bottled Faeries. If your pet, for example, is level 25 and you bless your pet, does it only gain the abilities for level 25, or does it gain abilities for level 25 and under?


5) Is there anyway to delete my regular Neohome (not the classic type)?


6) I've fought a few times in the one-player section of the Battledome already, and have withdrawn from it a few times as well. However, occassionally, after withdrawing my pet by visiting the status page and going to the healing springs again, the faerie there refuses the healing by saying that I'm still in a battle. Does anyone know why this keeps happening, and what I could do to prevent it?


7) For the Altador Plot, I've gotten to the part where you have to plot constellations on your telescope/map. I went to the Constellation Finder linked on the TDN site and found the coordinates, but I don't know what to do with them. Is there any place where you could type in the coordinates and find the star, or are they just references to help you get to know the approximate location?


Yeah. That seems to be all at the moment, though who knows what other questions may spout in my mind later. Thanks in advance to anyone who responds, though!




I can help you with some of these:


2) Usually they come via random event. You'll see at the top of a page below the neopets header a box like when you get a quest during the event.


3) Yes, someone really has taken the item. It's rather difficult to grab items from the money tree unfortunately.


4) My understanding of them is that the bottled faeries will give you the lowest blessing you don't have and are eligible for by level. So if your pet is level 25, but you've never had it blessed, you'd still only get the level 1 or 2 blessing (and you'd have to keep blessing it until you'd gotten all of them up till level 25).


1) I was in the Battledome recenty fighting against the Flaming Meerca, and I noticed that every time you attack there are litte icons to the side such as a sword, a water droplet, and a flame. Other times, the icons have those attack icons with a red line running through it. So what does this mean, and how would it affect the rest of the battle?


Read the texts beside the icons. It says what you and your opponent did. The upper half tells you what attacks you have succesfully made and other things you did like using a faerie ability, going on berserk, etc. together with what your oppoenent did (successful attacks). The lower half tells you what icons have been successfully defended against. That is why you will see some icons with a "cross-out" in it.


I can only help with the first 4 questions as I don't understand #5 and #6 and have lost all memory of the Altador Plot for #7.


Answer to #1: Those are battle icons. They are the most important aspect to the Battledome and to fully enjoy it you must learn what they mean. Each of the 6 icons:










are forms of damage you deal to an opponent. Pictures like these (without the red cross-out sign) are attack icons and are a symbol for how much damage a weapon does. All of these attack icons do the same amount of damage as each other. For example, a picture of a light icon represents the same amount of damage as an earth icon. Depending on your strength boost (read more about strength and defense here), the icons will do different amounts of damage. But where do the icons come from, you may ask? They come from weapons you use against an opponent. Different weapons have different icon mix and matches. The Scarab Ring, for example, does 2 water, 2 dark, and 2 physical icons. The damage you can do to the Flaming Meerca depends on your strength boost. So basically, the un-crossed-out icons will be multiplied by your strength boost to do damage to an opponent. So what's the point of different icons when they all do the same damage as each other? The reason is because not only can weapons have icons, but so do defensive equipment, like shields and armor.


Defensive equipment have the crossed-out versions of the 7 attack icons like this:


These icons represent blocked attack icons. The crossed-icons represent any damage caused by the attack icon of the same symbol to be blocked. For example, fire_def.gif means you blocked fire.gif. This is why there are different pictures. Weapons and defensive equipment mix and match icons so you must be strategic and lucky and use weapons that do not use icons the your opponent can block and use defensive equipment that block an opponent's attack icons. How much you damage actually block depends on your defense boost (read more about defense here). Hope this helps. 'The Daily Neopets' has a great battledome guide, which is where I got the links from, though I haven't seen any explanation as to what icons mean. Hopefully there isn't a link i could've posted. If so, someone tell me and I'll replace this essay with the link. :P


Answer to #2: The event is now over, just FYI. But anyway, normal faerie quests are random and can pop up on any page at any time (except for game pages).


Answer to #3: The money tree is very difficult to get items from because, yes people are actually taking things before you can click them. Frustrating, isn't it? :/


Answer to #4: Faerie abilities must be gained from the lowest ranking ability to the highest. You will stop getting abilities if your level isn't high enough or you have gotten all the abilities, yet. So if your pet is level 25, you will get an ability each time you release a faerie until you reach an ability that can't be gained unless you are higher than level 25 (does any of this post make sense?). Here's a guide to faerie abilities.


Hope this helps. Sorry for the long first answer, but just trying to be as clear as possible (not sure how good I did). :(


7) When you pan left or right or up and down with the telescope you should notice your co-ordinates change. Now look at the co-ordinates you're meant to be getting to and use logic to get there!


I.e if you have to get to -653, 453 and moving left is taking you into the minus numbers, keep going left! :)


2) I understand that there's currently that Faerie Quest Event going on right now, and that you can recieve quests daily. But on normal circumstances, how would you receive the quests?

I believe you always get them through random events- that's why it's good to play games with a lot of refreshing- like Pyramids or Dice-a-Roo.


3) For the Money Tree, whenever I try to get something, the item almost always gets taken away "while I was pondering". I was wondering, did someone really take the item away, or is that just the page that pops up most of the time unless you're really lucky?

When grabbing items from the money tree I find it's easiest to just click- don't think and try and look around the page, just click right away- that's your best bet for getting items.


6) I've fought a few times in the one-player section of the Battledome already, and have withdrawn from it a few times as well. However, occassionally, after withdrawing my pet by visiting the status page and going to the healing springs again, the faerie there refuses the healing by saying that I'm still in a battle. Does anyone know why this keeps happening, and what I could do to prevent it?

To be honest I'm not positive, but I would suggest refreshing the page at the battledome and ensuring you are actually out of the battle?


7) For the Altador Plot, I've gotten to the part where you have to plot constellations on your telescope/map. I went to the Constellation Finder linked on the TDN site and found the coordinates, but I don't know what to do with them. Is there any place where you could type in the coordinates and find the star, or are they just references to help you get to know the approximate location?

As lozzerrr mentioned above, it's essentially an x and y co-ordinate system. If you are given the co-ordinates of one of your points as (63,-117) then you need to to right and down (x,y).


I hope this helped :)


Since this was the only one not answered...


5) No, you can't delete your v2 neohome. There's no way to change the land it's in. If you just don't want to look at it, you can hide it from your profile by adding this coding

<style>#userneohome {display: none;}</style>

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