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And what are you procrastinating right now?


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I should be doing homework, or internship applications, or packing to go back to school (went to Dad's for the weekend!)....


Except I've been procrastinating those with some HTML/CSS work on my Tumblr, so I guess being on TDN/Neo means I'm procrastinating my procrastination....

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Yeah, got my two papers that were due this week turned in. Now all I have to do it continue studying for my test on Weds, read the second half of a play, and another play. Plus the other paper due next week.


Good news is I finished and submitted a Valentines comic to TNT. Now I just need to update the art and pages for my pets...

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I need to get some maths homework done, but for some reason, it doesn't load on this computer, just shows a box with a red x in it.

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Oh, the sheer amount of homework that at the moment I'm not doing... Also, I should have a shower. And I will. Just not yet.

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I should be sleeping :P I've got tomorrow's essay covered, so I have aboslutely nothing to worry about. And next week we have holidays, which means relaxing :)


@ Jess: you have homework on your computer? Don't you have notebooks and stuff?

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I should be spending time with my host family, writing a blog post for my family, reblogging things on tumblr, and playing games on neo. Gosh, I don't have anything important I'm procrastinating on I guess. If this was last semester, my answer would be PHYSICS!

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