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At school today, I was attacked by another student. He flicked a paper wasp at me, so I tossed it back and said : "Take it back". But instead he tackled me, cursed out the teacher and ran. I awoke to find 20 worried faces looking at me. I was told he had hit me in the head with a keyboard and kicked my face multiple times. I have a giant lump on my head, and am very dizzy. Should I get my parents to pres charges? I'm messed up over this.


Seeing as that would qualify as assult, you are perfectly within your rights to press charges. And to my knowledge (and you'll have to forgive me if this doesn't hold for you, I'm in Texas), schools are required to take disciplinary actions against any student who fights in school point blank- much less knock someone out. Point being: He should be in trouble with the police as it is.


Personally, I know my parents would press charges without question if that happened to me or my brother.


D: *serious huggles* I cant believe someone did that to you over such a small thing! I would definitely get the police involved and I couldn't agree more with what Anime said.

I'm so sorry this happened to you hun, I really hope you feel better and this gets sorted out <3


That's awful!


Hope you're ok <3 If I were you I would press charges no question - this kid sounds like they need teaching a lesson :@


Much love and support, this must be a horrible time x


I was notified that that kid had assaulted at least 6 other people during hos time at our cough... lovely school of horrors.


Aaaand...he hasn't been expelled? Just saying, you'd think this would be obvious. If he has assaulted this many people without being removed, then the SCHOOL can be sued for negligence. I know it's hard for a teacher to stop an assault--that's why you remove someone who does that.


Errr...what's a paper wasp? Just a small piece of paper folded like a wasp or something?


Of course you should press charges! You were injured, right? So I think that's an assault. Maybe you could transfer schools?


A transfer is a little too much. Our school is split into gifted and grade-level. I am of the former. My attacker is of the latter. No coincidence there. My school is ghetto as blbbbb trying not to use profanity >.< The only other schools don't have such a program. So transferring wouldn't help. I hate my school, but a private school is a little too expensive, cuz my parents are saving up for college and a private hs.


I would definitely at least get the school administration involved! I can't believe disciplinary action hasn't been taken against this kid already! Also, understand about the whole 'giftedness' and not being able to transfer schools, I was also in a gifted class! :) And here's a hug *hugs* :)


Disciplinary action really needs to be taken against this kid.


I give you comforting hug, though. :) <3 <3


I know a girl that god expelled just because she's a liiiiitle mentally unbalanced, and she was waving a penknife at someone. I reckon knocking seven people out should get HIM out, too.

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