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Okay. So everyone I know seems to have the trophy for this game, yet I can never even seem to clear the pyramid ONCE. Am I doing something wrong? Or do I just have terrible luck? I know how to play the game, so that's not the issue I don't think, but I just...I don't know!

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i had to try lots of times to get the trophy for pyramids (and i still only have the bronze one), its mostly luck i think, because sometimes no matter what you do you still end up losing anyways :sad01_anim: good luck!

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I used to play this game tons. (It's still one of my favorites, though it's time consuming) This is a lot of luck. If the card layout you get isn't good, you don't stand a chance. Even with the tons of games I've played, my ratio of games I won isn't that high.

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Okay. So it's not something I'm doing wrong? It's purely luck? That kind of sucks. At good times I seem to be left with 2 or 3 cards, but I've played so much, and alas, no trophy. Oh well. I shall keep persevering!

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On my old main it took FOREVER. I'd played what felt like (and possibly was) hundreds of games before I got a trophy. Was pretty lucky on this account though, won twice in a row after maybe 50 or so games? I used to play daily but not so much that it drove me mad XD Keep on with it and I'm sure you'll get it eventually :)

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