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What phone should I get?


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I personally find the iPhone 4S to be overrated/not worth it, but you don't have to blindly listen to me if you don't want to. Let me explain the major (not pointless) differences between the two iPhone models.


The 4S has a revamped camera with HD video, but you the regular 4 has a perfectly good camera without HD, and I won't get technical. It also supports Siri, the virtual assistant for people who can't use any of Google's services without having a stroke. I've found it to be a novelty at best, and you'll probably just forget about it after a week. The two most important differences as far as I can tell are:

  • A more powerful processor
  • Longer battery?

For the sake of time, I refuse to get technical, but the 4S does have a faster CPU. If you are looking to run the latest and greatest apps without lag, go for it. On the sites I list below, they all state the 4S battery is more powerful. I'm not going to say they're lairs, but I did notice that my Dad (who upgraded from 4 to 4S through his work) spent just as much time with the battery dead on the 4S that he did on the regular 4.


If you're not getting another phone for 3-4 years, it is true the iPhone 4 will become obsolete before the 4S does. Frankly, I never saw the need to get it (remember, the jump from 3GS to 4 was big) and I would think before paying a premium for questionable longevity. In order to make an unbiased decision for yourself, you can visit these links:










If you need more information or any questions, reply or PM me. :nerd:


Thanks for all the help! I'll probably make a decision based on what kind of deals they can offer me. Hopefully I don't end up having to pay a ton for my plan.

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