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To Zap, or Not to Zap?

Alice ☮

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My BD pet, blubberingfooljunior, is taking FOREVER to train. Plus, it's fairly pricey.


He's a permie, and his final state should be Purple Blumaroo. (He WAS a Purple Blumaroo until Boochi got him -__-).


So my question is this: since I'll have to re-paint him anyway, should I just zap to get stat increases? I'm afraid of uneven stats, but I really want him to be maxed out on strength and defence *conflict*


What should I do?

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How much is a blumaroo MP? You're zapping for stats, I guarantee you're going to get colour/species changes.


Overall, I wouldn't recommend it, honestly. You're just as likely to get decreased stats as you are to get increases. But if you do decide to, I wish you the best of luck :3


EDIT: Also, on the off chance someone stumbles across this topic in the future, I would advise not zapping for stats until the pet is level 50+, otherwise there's a very good chance that the pet'll be reduced to level 1 /randomfact

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prepare for losing some of the nps you spent on level and defense :P


a red blumaroo morphing potion is 175k, if you don't mind paying that plus the paint brush, then it probably will increase your hp for sure :P


my baby uni got rendered invisible by a re, and i lab her now because i'm hoping for a random pretty pet :)

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I'm currently zapping one of my pet for stats (lori111). Since I'm too cheap to spend anything on training. If she ever becomes a cool enough color I might be forced to use the training school. But I never zap AND train at the same time, because it's too frustrating.


I think practically all the stats she has right now come from the lab.

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labbing will increase strength and hp and decrease defense and level, which is actually good since defense is the cheapest to train (a-neggs for defense versus asps / sneggs for strength / hp). it depends though; if training your pet still costs significantly less than 30k hp per stat, then you might choose to train until you hit that budget. a-neggs are around 35k each so they're not cheap, but they're a lot cheaper than paying 50k for a cui codestone.


alternatively, you can also do kitchen quests. make sure your bd pet is the only pet on your account though, since it gives out stats to one of your pets randomly. i believe it gives out a stat increase per 3-4 quests, so that might also be another option to look into. good luck!

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