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habi bug?


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so i was doing my daily check on habitarium and i discarded excess eggs so i had just enough to cover all my pets dying then a couple of them did die so i clicked the gems and replaced them but a couple of seconds later the recplaments died as well and gave me the full gems and then like 90% of my pets died as did their replacements until i was left with like 60% of my limit of pets.


so i was wondering if anyone knew why this happened as im pretty sure that the pets are supposed to die after a set amount of time not straight away. its also quite annoying as getting them back is going to be a slow process now

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I'm confused, but I think something similar happened to me. A few days after hatching my nesters they all died and I collected the gems, and it gave me a replacement nester. Then a few days after that all the nesters were back in their nests with eggs like they never died. I also had an instance where some workers died and when I collected gems, the level bar said I was at level 1 (even though I'm at level 50) and so I refreshed and the workers were back. :S

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It glitches on me all of the time, although not like yours does. Sometimes, it'll show the workers sleeping and recovering in their houses; despite the fact that are not actually. Othertimes, an egg which was being incubated was floating outside of the Mootix who was resting on it, it was just chilling on top of the water. Other times, my workers are still all there, but they're invisible. So yeah, lots of bugs they need to have fixed there. o_O

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Othertimes, an egg which was being incubated was floating outside of the Mootix who was resting on it, it was just chilling on top of the water. o_O


i giggled when i pictured that :P


the invisible thing has happened to me, also sometimes eggs i have i've discarded it refreshed and its back there but will freeze if i try and discard it again, luckily refreshing makes it go away.


i find the issues i have with habi's internal clock are prevented by refreshing after i have collected gems/workers into houses and then doing what i had intended, in fact i take advantage as my workers seem to have rested for longer than they actually have, as do nesters on eggs.

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