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A board about asking members questions

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Not sure if suggestions go with this board, but here I go ..


We could have a "Ask-A-Member" board, just like the Ask-A-Staff Member Week threads at Jellyneo, except that people ask other members, and that threads lasts permanently, until of course, it hasn't been posted on for 21 days, or if the member is inactive.


It's alright if this isn't going to happen though.


You realize yelling for staff on the thread isn't going to do much good. I checked at random and yours happened to be the last post, but it really would have been better to PM someone (namely me...) about responding as I'm sure to actually see that.


As for the idea itself, you'll have to explain how this would work in more detail before I can give a real yes/no answer or suggest any changes to make it work better.


You realize yelling for staff on the thread isn't going to do much good.


It was entirely meant to be playful. I understand the staff are busy and it was not intended to demand/point out anything. I am sorry. I understand why you would say that and should have probably anticipated it. Had I thought it was serious, I would have messaged any of the staff here personally.


I don't really understand what it is exactly either, the request, because I don't go on jellyneo...is it more like a game Haduo?


No, it's not a forum game.


I'll try to explain my best, you would be able to start a thread for other members to ask questions for you to answer, you would get to other members better, the threads can last as long unless it or if the user is inactive.


So pretty much, personal "Ask me stuff!" threads? We've had a few of those before, if anyone wants to make one, they're free to do so. Put them in General Chat. And I ask that if you no longer wish to answer questions, have the thread closed. It keeps things nice and clean. :D


We've had, maybe, two. If everyone suddenly starts making them, I'd be happy to make an area just for them. But as we've had two and they've both died, they really don't merit a seprate category right now.

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