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I never said you had no skills. But obviously you're not good enough. And I'm not being rude, it's an observation. And as April said, I've too seen many many gorgeous Aishas win.


I wonder what your favourite species..

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I never said you had no skills. But obviously you're not good enough. And I'm not being rude, it's an observation. And as April said, I've too seen many many gorgeous Aishas win.


I wonder what your favourite species..


I creeped your lookup and must say, I adore your JubJub.


I feel like such a fraud being on this 'hate' board when I adore them. XD


I also adore your Lutari. <3




and Baixinha if you are entering the NC spotlight I'd suggest doing the NP spotlight. As most NC spot light winners have the NC to go all out on their pets. I'd save up and rather try for the NP entry.

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I creeped your lookup and must say, I adore your JubJub.


I feel like such a fraud being on this 'hate' board when I adore them. XD


I also adore your Lutari. <3




and Baixinha if you are entering the NC spotlight I'd suggest doing the NP spotlight. As most NC spot light winners have the NC to go all out on their pets. I'd save up and rather try for the NP entry.


Thank you :) I love your Baby Kougra! it's sooo adorable :) Well I love most baby pets :)

And nice work on customization for Simba :)


I am on this board as a JubJub representer :) (okay, I'm going nuts ..)


Edit: I just checked the winners too, not a single JubJub. But there are many many Krawks, Blomaroos & Kacheeks. And also Aishas.

And I don't compete in the customization. I'm not huge into it, but I do admire those who are.

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Thank you :) I love your Baby Kougra! it's sooo adorable :) Well I love most baby pets :)

And nice work on customization for Simba :)


I am on this board as a JubJub representer :) (okay, I'm going nuts ..)


Thanks, I'm not a huge customizer, I love things simple. :) If I had the money to have neocash, I may turn into a major customizer though, lol! That reminds me, Simba's been angry at me for putting that nightcap on her. She thinks it takes away from her viciousness. (Yes, I am crazy, my pets have personalities) I should take it off now. XD I just think the hat is adorable. She disagrees.


All right, on that case, I guess I'm also a JubJub representer. For some reason, JubJubs is making me Jujubes. O.O


This seems more like a JubJub debate than association. I guess that's the way of things.

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Thanks, I'm not a huge customizer, I love things simple. :) If I had the money to have neocash, I may turn into a major customizer though, lol! That reminds me, Simba's been angry at me for putting that nightcap on her. She thinks it takes away from her viciousness. (Yes, I am crazy, my pets have personalities) I should take it off now. XD I just think the hat is adorable. She disagrees.


All right, on that case, I guess I'm also a JubJub representer. For some reason, JubJubs is making me Jujubes. O.O


This seems more like a JubJub debate than association. I guess that's the way of things.


Hehe :) I agree. I love most NC stuff -they make customizing easier. Unfortunately Eurpe hasn't been blessed with NC mall yet :) I have some stuff my firend gave me though .. I like the wings on Simba.I have them too, but they don't fit any of my pets currently. I usually only find the best possible background and it's enough for me :)


Yeah. It seems there aren't so many JubJub haters..

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I creeped your lookup and must say, I adore your JubJub.


I feel like such a fraud being on this 'hate' board when I adore them. XD


I also adore your Lutari. <3




and Baixinha if you are entering the NC spotlight I'd suggest doing the NP spotlight. As most NC spot light winners have the NC to go all out on their pets. I'd save up and rather try for the NP entry.

I can't enter the neopoint spotlight. It won't let me. I tried sending a ticket, no responses. I'm stuck with the section I can't win in, and I blame the JubJubs for beating me for 3rd place even. I know that this week was better than the last, but that doesn't mean that is the norm. Stupid JubJubs. And WHO CARES if I am alone in my hatred of those grimy balls of burning hair! I can do this alone if I have to! You guys just keep posting the same thing, over and over. If you guys are so into JubJubs start a fan club or something. Don't just keep posting here to annoy me. And B, you use too many smilies. It's very annoying. And about the racism, I will just say that I bet you have your own preferences towards different pets. And if you two are so clever than show me why I'm wrong. It's not like I hurt anybody.


NOTE TO MODS: Go ahead, lock the topic for my immaturity. I have expressed my opinion enough and I have 2 new enemies thanks to my incredible stupidity. I will never talk to April or Mrs.B the same way again.

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I can't enter the neopoint spotlight. It won't let me. I tried sending a ticket, no responses. I'm stuck with the section I can't win in, and I blame the JubJubs for beating me for 3rd place even. I know that this week was better than the last, but that doesn't mean that is the norm. Stupid JubJubs. Curse them.


You said the customization contest. Spotlight and the customization contest are completely different.


It's not the JubJubs fault you're not winning. :/ Maybe you should change your tactic instead of blaming some poor innocent pixels. JubJubs are cute. <3

And I don't care if you hate them, I'm merely trying to understand why you hate these creatures. And you also post the same things over and over.

I do have preferences to Kougras, I've stated that but I don't 'hate' a pet because my pet doesn't win. O.O


And let me get this straight. We're enemies because we have a difference of opinion? I thought I was entitled to my opinion that I like JubJubs where as you are entitled to your opinion that you hate them. That doesn't mean we have to be 'enemies.'



I generally don't dislike people because of their opinions.


Whether this board is locked or not, I'm done with posting in it. I'd rather go watch Inuyasha than have an argument over pixels. Inuyasha, here I come. =D

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You said the customization contest. Spotlight and the customization contest are completely different.


It's not the JubJubs fault you're not winning. :/ Maybe you should change your tactic instead of blaming some poor innocent pixels. JubJubs are cute. <3

And I don't care if you hate them, I'm merely trying to understand why you hate these creatures. And you also post the same things over and over.


And let me get this straight. We're enemies because we have a difference of opinion? I thought I was entitled to my opinion that I like JubJubs where as you are entitled to your opinion that you hate them. That doesn't mean we have to be 'enemies.'



I generally don't dislike people because of their opinions.


Whether this board is locked or not, I'm done with posting in it. I'd rather go watch Inuyasha than have an argument over pixels. Inuyasha, here I come. =D

I meant the customization. go watch your anime, I'm through with you. And NO! JubJubs are the farthest thing from cute!! EVER!! *gasp* *pant*.
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Since it's been requested by the original poster, that the topic be locked, and it seems to be getting extremely out of hand and off the purpose of the original post, I'm locking this.

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