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Pokemon Roleplay(Seriously, it died again?)

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Okay, so heres the rules. MUST READ.

No god-moding.

No killing other players or their pokemon.

Only six pokemon.

You can only have one legendary.

Throw an acorn at me to be approved to join.

Cant roleplay other's characters without their permission.

If you name your pokemon Lequinco you will be shunned and will lose your liked-by-Ryan status.


Setting - Lets do this as we go, shall we?

So far -

A large City known as Acornshell has stood below a large, looming mountain for a long while and has an extensive history. Multiple roads lead out of the city into different climates. Acornshell is frequented by snow and rain.

Region is called Squirrelmont. All pokemon found in other regions are found here except Magicarp because no one likes them so they have to sit in the corner and watch.

I'll upload a picture in a second.


Plot line - Acornshell is overflowing as it is but a new team(known as Shadow Inc.) with similar goals to Team Rocket controls the paths out of the city and the surrounding area. No trainers have been able to leave without having their pokemon stolen and being returned in a beaten state to the main entrance to the city.

Naturally though some pesky hero always has to challenge this kinda thing.

As theres more need for the surounding area to be explored, secured, and colonized, the town practically becomes a warbase for trainers trying to get out of the city. The Pokemon Center is constantly in use as more trainers join in trying to get out.



Form :

Name -

Trainer Appearence -

Trainer Description -

Trainer History(Optional) -

Pokemon - Pokemon type and level(Optional Pokemon Nickname)

Shadow Inc. Or Trainer? -






Name - Ryan

Trainer Appearence - Brown hair, blue eyes, orange t-shirt, black hoodie, jeans. Sweet, short, and to the point.

Trainer Description - Me-ish.

Trainer History(Optional) - No.

Pokemon - Luxray lvl. 48, Swampert lvl 51, Lugia lvl 63, Houndoom lvl 45, (Shiny)Zangoose lvl 47

Shadow Inc. Or Trainer? - Trainer


Name - Khaos

Trainer Appearence - Black hair, brown eyes. Green shirt with an open black leather jacket and glasses. Jeans past the knees. Black bandanna.

Trainer Description - 10 year old kid with epic powers and anger issues.

Trainer History(Optional) - Rough childhood. 'Nuff said.

Pokemon - Pokemon type and level(Optional Pokemon Nickname) Scizor: Lvl 64 | Venusaur: Level 54 | Heracross: Level 53 | Sophia the Jynx: Level 67 | Sandslash: Level 52 | Omastar: Level 56

Shadow Inc. Or Trainer? - Unknown... yet. :shiftyeyes_anim:

  • 2 weeks later...

Name - Khaos

Trainer Appearence - Black hair, brown eyes. Green shirt with an open black leather jacket and glasses. Jeans past the knees. Black bandanna.

Trainer Description - 10 year old kid with epic powers and anger issues.

Trainer History(Optional) - Rough childhood. 'Nuff said.

Pokemon - Pokemon type and level(Optional Pokemon Nickname) Scizor: Lvl 64 | Venusaur: Level 54 | Heracross: Level 53 | Sophia the Jynx: Level 67 | Sandslash: Level 52 | Omastar: Level 56

Shadow Inc. Or Trainer? - Unknown... yet. :shiftyeyes_anim:


*throws acorn*

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