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Merry Xmas from TNT


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Tonight after feeding the hordes of hungry mouths and cleaning up I went to Habitarium and realised I had left it running all day.There were heaps of gems to collect but when I went to reload it wouldn't let me in past the loading circle of dots. I remember seeing a post some time back with a maybe solution to this problem but cannot find it on the past forum posts...Can anyone help as The habitarium is my main priority each day and a great nps earner for me...

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is it this thread you remember seeing? http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/25594-my-habitarium-isnt-loading/


otherwise there were some tips i found here:




perhaps try a different browser as well? (really not sure)


i hope it does work out for you :( *huggles*

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Yeah, use the nimmo guide. No fun being locked out. :( Next time make sure to never refresh before collecting gems, because tons of people get locked out that way. I got locked out too this week due to gems not registering while my connection was lagging- the merge method didn't work for me and so I had to reset it back to level one. I wish you luck!

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If you don't want the hassle of doing a Habi merge, you can send in a ticket to TNT, and they will fix your Habiarium. That is what I do when I get a gem lockout. However, it may take up to 2 weeks for them to fix your Habi. If you are impatient, do the merge method.

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zorse is right -- never refresh if you have tons of gems on your habbie, 'tis a guaranteed way of being locked out. sorry it happened to you hun. :( i've heard good things about the merge method, so hopefully that'll fix things (although you may have to rebuild a bit). good luck!

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