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There's something strange in my habitarium


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I had one of those for months and it drove me crazy! I dragged it into my bag and deleted it but it took a while to be able to let me do that :/


Good luck getting rid of it!

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I had one of those too. What happen with me was I accidentally pulled it out of the nest before it was done incubating and then it would not incubate after that.... I had to pull it into my item bag and delete also. So frustrating!

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That looks like it is an egg that hasn't finished incubating. Try putting it on an empty nest and puting a nester over it.

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It's a very common glitch known on the habi boards as a 'meepit egg' (because it's evil).


Unfortunately there's not much you can do about it. If you get rid of it, it will come back in a few days/refreshes. You just have to learn to live with it taking up that space :/


Don't put it in your bag, it will just get mixed up with your regular eggs. You can't hatch it later... it will look like a normal egg when you take it out, but it will cause your habi to crash if you try :(

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whats really funny is that yours is in the exact same spot as mine! (and have the same map choice as you too)


i've managed to fix my other meepit eggs (evil! evil!) but that one in the corner always comes back, i've left it because now i can see it whereas it was there but invisible before.


you can put P3s on top but no buildings, i keep a soldier locked there

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Don't put it in your bag, it will just get mixed up with your regular eggs. You can't hatch it later... it will look like a normal egg when you take it out, but it will cause your habi to crash if you try :(


This is true; if you have other eggs in there it'll look the same. I didn't experience the crashing thing, the egg just couldn't be hatched. If you got rid of all the eggs in your bag though it would definitely be gone :)

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So if I take it out my bag, I may get locked out ? If that's the case, I guess I should empty my bag then... I heard about the meepit egg, but I was hopping it would be something less harmful :(


Don't think it causes lockouts. You can never be too careful though.


Before when I tried to hatch them I just got stuck 'loading'. After refreshing my habi, the egg was back in my bag like nothing happened (scary meepits!)

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