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[since the last thread is too old for me to revive]


Same as the collectors exchange!


Do you have some things that you want to give away or hope to gain? Just need someone to help repair your tiles? Or want to practise raiding on someone (by appointment only!)? Let people know here!


I can offer pretty much anything since I have quite a few resources and a few levels to go before I can use them for anything. Post here if you want something or need help!


i'd also be happy to help cos i have waaaaaaaaay too many resources and i cant use them to level up right now.. neomail me if you need anything!


ETA: @ Lady Kakata: seems like level 33 prompts people to share :P



XD I think it's because we're so close to those levels that let us level up things but not quie


This sounds like a great topic. I have WAY too many resources and would be happy to give anything at all (besides nc items). Honestly, I'm level 50 with about 20 storage units in my bag and 80,000 of each resource just sitting there. Please neomail me if you want anything.


They'd love you on the Neoboards. I've opened a topic there and had to close it again until I gather enough resources to fufill needs XD


And I painted all my P3s Faerie AND gotten all 3 species again! Yay Prof. Clodbottle's total blindspot to any nester eggs in my inventory!


Hey fellow habi players :) I have a bunch of decorations I want to get rid of!!

  • Twig Fence x12
  • Dandelion Fluff Seed x5
  • Mossy Twig x2
  • Seashell x2
  • Large Mossy Twig
  • Grarrl Tooth

If you want to spruce up your habi, add me (rhino_loupe) and mail me to say which you want. Ask for as many as you like, I can gift you something every day until they're all gone.


Also happy to buy these things if you request, because I have too much pollen/water/grass

  • Red/Blue/Yellow 5x ink bottles
  • Bacon (best food)
  • Berry Jelly (best item for tired ppps)
  • Nectar (best healing food).


I'm in the same boat as Asara, just started yesterday actually so am just getting the hang of it but I am pretty lacking in resources and such so any help would be greatly appreciated! Maybe I can give you some pretty things when I am at a higher level than 6 :D

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