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I was wondering what difficulty the the Bionic Cybunny and Devilpuss are on to obtain the avatars? I've been playing for a while but I haven't seen one yet. If someone could let me know, that would be great! ;)


You can get them the first time you play. Both avatars are only available once you get the chapter 5 though so if you're not that far yet, keep on going!


I'm not even sure what chapter I'm on, I just defeated Zombom though. I've been using the guide that's posted under the game guide for this. Hopefully, I'll get them soon though. Thank you! :yes:


Just use the guide that nika posted. You can't miss them. It did take forever to get these avatars but they seemed to come at about the same time. I took a break after I got them and finally completed it for my trophy like 3 months later.

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