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Fooooood Fight!


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AA blocked Dillon's attacks with his dinner plate and ran into a side corridor. A few seconds later he came out of another corridor behind Dillon and squirted ketchup at him.

ahh ive been hit and with pin point precision i throw my trust fried cjicken at AA and he fell over

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AA jumped up out of Dillon's reach, attaching himself to the ceiling with lasagne - he then sniped Dillon in the eyes.

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Dillon dodged with lighting speed. The threw his KFC Fried Chicken at AA and hit him square in the stomach.

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AA managed to stay on the ceiling. He quickly moved to a more sheltered position where nobody could find him.

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AA aimed a fry carefully and fired it. It bounced off the opposite wall and hit Dillon. Hopefully he'll be looking the other way long enough for me to sneak out of his sight and sabotage the Fish Federation's command post, he thought.

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*Dillon saw AA and tackled him to the ground* Then he shoved a His KFC Chicken , Cheese, and Corn, Mashed Potato bowl in his face.

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AA squirted Dillon in the face with ketchup, then rolled up from under him and ran.

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AA fired at the freezer and disabled the control panel so that Dillon couldn't get out. Then he sneaked up to the Fish Federation's command post and squirted ketchup on all the antennae.

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While running away from the angry Fish Federation guards, AA accidentally tripped over the freezer and knocked it open. Woops, he thought. Then he got up and ran faster.

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AA squirted ketchup onto the floor behind him as he ran to distract his pursuers. Then he quickly climbed up out of reach of their weapons.

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AA climbed up onto a high ledge and came face to face with Dillon. He quickly jumped back down again.

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AA landed expertly on the ground, wiped the fried chicken off his face, and ran off as several fish federation members started chasing after him.

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AA spun around, rapid fired fries and squirted ketchup at the Fish Federation members at the same time. When he stopped firing, he was backed up by ten other Apple Alliance members.


((There are lots more people here although not all of them are TDN members))

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