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Fooooood Fight!


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((Isn't Metroid in the Fish Federation, and isn't Morgan in the Sweet Syndicate?))


AA3 embedded several sharp bones in his meat, then swung it down on AA.

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AA was sent flying by the impact. He landed, rolled a bit, got up and shot AA3 with a few fries.

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AA shot a few fries at AA3, then jumped down as several fish federation members attacked him with long range heavy weapons. He landed some distance away from AA3 and ran.

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((Of course not Ellie!))


AA found an abandoned sink and pulled out the plumbing, spraying several people with water.

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AA held onto the hose and landed on a table. He stood on the table so that he could spray more people.

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AA3 grabbed the hose from AA and sprayed everyone from the Sweet Syndicate and Apple Alliance.


((Why is AA the only one in the Apple Alliance?))

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((Because all the Apple Alliance members have to be the best of the best :P ))


AA ducked through the fray and turned off the hose's tap. He then rapid-fired fries and AA3.

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Affiliation: Fish Federation

Main weapon: KFC Chicken,Corn,and Cheese Mashed potato bowl

Secondary weapon: KFC Fried Chicken

Defence item: THE SPORK

Analogy: Ninja

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AA3 aborted his attack, turned around and, jumping, tackled Metroid, pushing him out of the way of Zac's charge. He then attacked Zac.

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AA used lasagne to climb up to a sniping spot in on the ceiling where he was practically invisible. He then began sniping people with fries.

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((Erm, wasn't it AA3 attacking you, not me?))


AA saw the Sweet Syndicate communications equipment lying out in the open. He sniped one of the parts and it exploded in sparks.

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AA blocked Dillon's attacks with his dinner plate and ran into a side corridor. A few seconds later he came out of another corridor behind Dillon and squirted ketchup at him.

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