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So after a week of non stop training my pet after starting again from a couple of years off, I decided it was time to test out my progress. On the very first move, I was absolutely stunned at what I saw.


Okay, I know I haven't been playing for a while, but can somebody please explain to me what just happened??? This guy was at 8 HP when the fight started and I only managed to deal ONE damage to him with a Honey Potion and a Flaming Bronze Helm on Fierce Attack, yet managed to take 49 damage?? Can somebody translate that?


EDIT: So I'm not allowed to use image extentions... but here's the link: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/402/picture1fxh.png/



Neomysterion Edit: I fixed your post for you, and gave you the correct image extension.


I can't translate, but I can see that the person used some shield or defensive item that stopped all the damage but one point from getting to him...


Good thing I can read Chinese :P


You used Honey Potion + Flaming Bronze Helm + Fierce Attack.

Your opponent used Flask of Liquid Fire + Flask of Liquid Light + Burrow.


Flaming Bronze Helm defends



*When this item blocks physical damage it will deal damage to the defender equal to 3 times the defender's defense boost.


Your opponent did not attack with any of those icons so no damage was blocked.


You attacked with Honey Potion. Your opponent used Burrow, which defense 97.5% of all [earth_def.gifair_def.giffire_def.gifwater_def.gifphysical_def.gif]. Thus, only 1 damage went through.


burrow and sink are incredibly important bd abilities. keep training, and use a faerie guide. once you get to a high enough level, get them and use them. And life drain. Then next battle you would own that guy.

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