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hey guys,

im whishing to start a gallery and i was thinking about making it a breakfast theamed gallery,i was wondering about and realised it would be at least 350 itens before i could call it complete. Do you guys think it worth it? when thinking about some alternative themes i thought about illusen(aka the earth faerie), brains, muffins(just because cupcakes sucks) or disguise, do u think any of those would be better?

Even If I can make a complete gallery I guess I'd still need a decent background to win a spotlight.

Would you guys help me? Any help accepted, i mean advice, suggestions,friendly words, itens, artwork, etc.

keep in mind that my goal here is to win the gallery spotlight.


Hi there, I'm not going to be super great for advice because I have never actually created a gallery, but I have looked in to it quite a bit. First off the theme breakfast has been won in the spotlight before, http://www.neopets.com/gallery.phtml?place=164. Now this doesn't mean that you couldn't win with a breakfast theme, but you would have to put a different spin on it I would suggest, and as you can see from that gallery it's quite a bit of effort! But I think all galleries require quite a bit of effort...Also in terms of 'having everything' it depends on what your theme is, for instance if it is a plushie gallery they like to see that you have tried to complete it, however if you choose a theme that can be interpreted different ways (such as my favourite foods or something) then there is less importance on having a 'complete' gallery (this is also most likely going to be the cheaper option, although it can be difficult to think of a good theme). Out of your other themes, disguise sounds kind of cool...do you mean like masks and stuff like that? -whatever you choose though a good description or little story about your gallery and maybe why you chose it can go a long way (read some of the winners for a good idea of what TNT like).


For the background, it is important but it has been one before with backgrounds that are quite simple, or have been made by someone else (as long as you say that they made it!). However I think to win with a bad background you need to have a great idea/great collection, so having a good background would just help you along a bit. It takes a fair bit of effort to do one so but you could try learning to do it yourself (try the TDN forums for help on this, they might link you to some good sites) or you could get a good friend to help you with it/make one for you.


I hope that helped a little bit (someone jump in and correct me if I've gotten something wrong!), and maybe when you've chosen your theme we can all help you out a bit! Good luck :)


Edit: Found a somewhat useful link for basic help: http://www.sunnyneo.com/gallerytips.php


thank you Domsim,

well, with over 460 galleries already choosen there have been themes that were picked more than once, and thinking about something new is quiet hard.

That gallery you linked has some ideas i hadn't though about(it has some pharmacy itens in there), but i also though about some stuff that isn't there, so i guess i can take advantage of it actually (maybe)

the disguise theme would be about masks, glasses, maybe some wigs(which are generally expensive) these would be a theme that i could make up a nice discription so it would "end" where i wanted, but anyway, food tend to be much cheaper than wearables.

I'll try learing about how to make an background, it seems hard.


FIRST OF ALL: Cupcake galleries don't suck *pokes signature* Well, it's a cake gallery, but still :P


And also 350 items isn't too bad, mine will come to 500 and something by the time I'm finished. I prefer to choose something there's loads of just cause then I wont get to the items that cost millions for a while and I can collect for a lot longer without getting stuck :)


an important thing is to actually love your theme, if you do you will put more effort and attention into it :) i collect kadoaties and so on, while in the state its currently in i'm not winning the spotlight any time soon, it remains something i am still commited to after returning to neopets after almost 6 years of hiatus. by turning it into a kadoatie paradise theme, so collecting anything that would make kadoaties happy, e.g. adding kadoatary food, petpet supplies, paintbrushes etc, would possibly make it a better contender. having the passion to commit to your gallery is important, while you are aiming for the spotlight, galleries often take a very long time to put together.


think of something you like either in real life or on neopets and consider ways to extend that into a theme.


you don't necessarily have to have a complete gallery to win, often many of the galleries will state they are incomplete, but its how they bring their theme together which makes it eyecatching and interesting :)


examples of theme galleries off my head:

masquerade: balldresses, masks, cocktails, fancy dress and backgrounds

country life

organic food

green food (or insert colour gallery here)

stationary (one of my loves in real life!)

summer days; garden furniture, icecream, lemonade

pick a pet/petpet/petpetpet


don't let the number of items discourage you either, i originally collected aisha stuff, while there was no way i could complete it, it gave me the chance to really determine what i want to collect, and how to focus not on collecting everything that fit my theme, but picking rather the things i was drawn to and felt worth collecting. (i love my cat, hence the aisha, angelpuss, now kadoatie fixation)


let us know how you are going, i always love to see what other collectors are up to!


hey annuki, i guess i see what you mean. thinkg about it, maybe the disguise theme could be more fun to me while doing it, you know, i've always been a 007 fan (also the movies but mainly the books) and i've always weared glasses as well (i guess most glasses on Neopets counts as disguises), maybe i could throw in some stuff related to any neopets character thats a secret agent...


I'll think more about it today and guess i'll start it tomorow


Disguises sounds like a good idea for a gallery. You could have masks, costumes, glasses, and general 'secret agent' type items.


I don't think it has to be 'complete', just has to look like there's enough stuff in it :)

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