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Shopkeeper + Maller Support Group


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Shopkeeper + Maller Support Group


Desperately seeking for exposure to some social scene while restocking frantically? Looking for advice on Restocking, finding a mall, managing a shop, managing a mall, managing a crazy puppy who's chewing on your shoelaces? Just want to hang out? Figured I'd start a group for that :)


Everybody's welcome to post here and hang out here but you probably want to talk about stuff that's generally on topic of whatever we happen to be posting (talking?) about, and generally we're going to discuss things about... well Shops. Plus, if you want us to and if you supply the link to it, we will have a links to our members' shops. Free promotion w00t!


Member Shops




Quramia's Gourmet Food List

_scritchy_'s Shopkeeping/Malling Guide

bugsy_lenny's "Bugsy's Guide to Effective Shopkeeping & Malling" - FAVE



If you wanna join, just join! Pop into a conversation (if any start here that is). If you want to "officially be an uber poster" you can always send a link to your shop if you'd like it to be put up here. I'll only link to the shop with your permission, and by linking the shop to me that's your giving me permission!


A very cool thing you can do to join is post one or two tips YOU have for malling, or shopkeeping, restocking, managing a mall, etc. that you have. Then, in addition to that, you can post the link to your shop if you want to!

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ooh, a malling support group. :) i've always been interested in joining a mall but i'm verrry slow at RSing, so there's that. i'm always down for new RSing tips though! ^_^


Hehe! Same, except I'm a quick RSer. Good malls are uber hard to find it seems, and ones that are supportive as well :/


Well my system is kind of slow, but I'll put a few good resource sup in the main post!!

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tysm for the links ~ bookmarked them for future reference. :) have you tried neomallers btw? i used to lurk their boards a lot but it seems to be a bit dead these days, unfortunately.


i know everyone says that malls aren't as profitable anymore but i still love the concept of it. (where do you restock at btw? i'm hopeless at anything faster than the beginning shops, herp derp :/)

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tysm for the links ~ bookmarked them for future reference. :) have you tried neomallers btw? i used to lurk their boards a lot but it seems to be a bit dead these days, unfortunately.


i know everyone says that malls aren't as profitable anymore but i still love the concept of it. (where do you restock at btw? i'm hopeless at anything faster than the beginning shops, herp derp :/)


NeoMallers I've checked out. I was in the PMC mall for a short while then I had to leave for real life stuff. Plus they're fairly "elite" so I'd definitely have to expand my shop quite a bit. Well not TOO bad but for some of their more prominent malls ><' If I had someone with more mall experience than me i'd love to star tup my own mall though xD


Same! It's a fun and really interesting idea and it's still fun. But I dunno if it's lost profit or anything, you still get some nice promotion with linked stuff. And I actually restock at some of the beginner shops: Health Food occasionally, a lot at the Chocolate Factory, Food Shop. Bakery too once in a while.

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Ooh, thank you so much for this... tips galore! I'm terrible at this I can't do it at all. :D




Nyaha! I'm glad it's helpful :D I know there are absolute tons of guides out there but it's nice to have them in one spot. Plus we can all bounce questions around here.


*facepalm* Mall is basically a bunch of shops that work together but are organized or managed by one person. There are usually similarly set up categories:


Faerie Quests

Bakery + Sweets

Training (Codestones, Doubloons, etc. maybe neggs)



Cards, Shells, Collectables


Maps and PB's and Morphs


Petpets, P3's, Supplies

General Store or 1001 NP and under




And all sorts of combinations! _Scritchy_'s guide explains the categories pretty well. The shops are all linked together by a banner that all shops in the mall have to have on their shop's description. They usually are kkind of picky size-wise but that varies from mall to mall. You only stock what your category is (or if you have multiple categories) or you might get the boot! Also depends on the mall though.


One shop can have multiple categories in the same mall, but will show up still on multiple "buttons" on the banner. Usually they're two categories that go well. Like Food/Drinks + Candy/Bakery. Stuff like that!

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Oooh, I see!


Okay, so clueless, but I'm not into certain restocking, I'm just grab and go, so I don't think I'd like to join a mall. I also neglect my shop. :D


Still, RSing tips will be fine! I have no patience in this, making me terrible.


Haha. But apparently it gets easier with practice. Especially if you kinda almost "research" what you usually Restock. Like if you Restock at the Chocolate Factory a lot you'll start to remember how much stuff sells for (your sales history really is helpful), and what items are really good to snap up. Of course I have yet to get to that point but psh!


Yes yes you are terrible. :graduated: Kidding hehe!

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Have you gotten it yet?

And do you RS like... everyday or something?


I can't remember, actually. It seems like I should've but no, not yet :) I do restock daily though. Good money coming in lately, it's definitely helping me get closer to my draik hehe.

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*cough cough cough cough HACK cough*


Okay. Maller/Restocker, I have just bought the most expensive item in your shop - which wasn't very expensive! - and two others.


Pshh, every little bit counts, right? And helping you towards your fund, too, even though I can't afford to lose np, especially to someone with TRIPLE my NP amount, but hey.


What are friends for. :D


Even if I only have 15np left on hand heehee.

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*cough cough cough cough HACK cough*


Okay. Maller/Restocker, I have just bought the most expensive item in your shop - which wasn't very expensive! - and two others.


Pshh, every little bit counts, right? And helping you towards your fund, too, even though I can't afford to lose np, especially to someone with TRIPLE my NP amount, but hey.


What are friends for. :D


Even if I only have 15np left on hand heehee.


*shifty eyes and hands a cup of mysteriously colored tea* NYAHAHA. Nyan :3


Hahah!! Why thank you dahhling :3 I O U :D <3


Ditto!! We can help each other aha. Do you have a goal in mind?


Friends! Yay! :laughingsmiley: <3

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Uhh... at current? A million. In the bank, it's been my goal ever since I started Neo. I had an older account, but I've forgotten everything to do with it. :/


That's not TOOOOO terrible! Try setting a nice and low goal for you to get every day. Like 25k NP a day would get you to that goal in just over a month. Have you ever tried the Food Club? I use Jamila233's bets usually. It's risky but her bets are usually fairly safe. Depending on your account age it can be very handy and a good way to make money. And Restocking is also really helpful if you get some practice in :)

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I would, only I don't know what's worth what!


A million isn't too bad, but I've been trying to hit it for three years.


RSing practice... I AM GOING.


EDIT: I just took like 200k out of my bank... and RS'ed at really cheap user shops. I'm too chicken for the real stuff. :D

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I would, only I don't know what's worth what!


A million isn't too bad, but I've been trying to hit it for three years.


RSing practice... I AM GOING.


EDIT: I just took like 200k out of my bank... and RS'ed at really cheap user shops. I'm too chicken for the real stuff. :D


You're a silly! hehe. What I do is actually have the Shop Wizard in another tab and I just SUPER quick copy/paste/search at ninja-speed. Then refresh once or twice, maybe three if it's iffy, and if I could get at least a semi nice profit from it I haggle super fast.




And psh. Well it's a good start I guess! I think that's what you call sniping. Just compare the user shop's price to the average of other shops (refresh a few times). If it's lower than the others then snap it up and sell it for 100 NP lower than the average price so you still sell it but hopefully get a profit.

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But but but... I couldn't even do that if the item wasn't rare... AND I HAVE NINJAS COMPETING WITH ME? D;


BAH. Well yeah. Ninjas or a ton of other RS'ers... Takes practice!


And awesome siggy, btw 8)

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Shopkeeper + Maller Support Group


Desperately seeking for exposure to some social scene while restocking frantically? Looking for advice on Restocking, finding a mall, managing a shop, managing a mall, managing a crazy puppy who's chewing on your shoelaces? Just want to hang out? Figured I'd start a group for that :)


Everybody's welcome to post here and hang out here but you probably want to talk about stuff that's generally on topic of whatever we happen to be posting (talking?) about, and generally we're going to discuss things about... well Shops. Plus, if you want us to and if you supply the link to it, we will have a links to our members' shops. Free promotion w00t!


Member Shops




Quramia's Gourmet Food List

_scritchy_'s Shopkeeping/Malling Guide

bugsy_lenny's "Bugsy's Guide to Effective Shopkeeping & Malling" - FAVE



If you wanna join, just join! Pop into a conversation (if any start here that is). If you want to "officially be an uber poster" you can always send a link to your shop if you'd like it to be put up here. I'll only link to the shop with your permission, and by linking the shop to me that's your giving me permission!


A very cool thing you can do to join is post one or two tips YOU have for malling, or shopkeeping, restocking, managing a mall, etc. that you have. Then, in addition to that, you can post the link to your shop if you want to!




I suppose I could do a food shop.

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I suppose I could do a food shop.


Hiya :)


Welcome to the group I guess!! Food shops are great but not as huge a profit as some other shops. I only chose food because it seemed fun and I love food! They're a very popular choice for shops :)

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