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Are you procrastinating right now?

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What are you avoiding completing...or starting? Or are you one of those people that never procrastinates?


I have homework that's due tomorrow and a midterm on Thursday that I really need to study for. Unfortunately, I just got off work and don't feel like doing any of that. Instead, I shall sit here and scan the boards while listening to music on youtube. :D


I have homeschooling I should work on.

Fanfics I haven't updated for a bit.

I should be going to sleep.

I should do the dishes.

I should have a bath.



I procrastinate a lot. I never used to. But I do now.


A bath sounds amazing right now, especially since it's so cold! Sleep sounds good too. I'm making progress on my homework though, slowly but surely. It should really only take me 30 minutes, but I've been working on it that long and have only read 2 pages. Reading about the snowshoe hare 10-year cycle for my ecology class is not as interesting as it may sound.


I wish my last midterm for this class was better. I got a B average. Here's to an A for the midterm in 2 days that I haven't studied for yet!


*Doesn't have exams this year*


Which is probably actually kind of bad because we'll all have no idea how to study come next year, but whatever b)


On topic, I need to think up a performance idea, create the set and get a costume within the next three weeks. I also should be finishing up my science, writing notes for my maths test tomorrow and learning the various songs I need to know for music. And emptying the dishwasher. And walking the dogs. Lovely.


I am perpetually procrastinating. Currently the final paper for my comp II class as well as a stats project and a chem lab. If I'm not procrastinating, I invent something that I can procrastinate about. Example: when this semester ends, I will invent things like reading books and finishing games, and procrastinate accordingly, even though they are fun activities.


I often can't be bothered to do homework even though I know I have to. Usually, I and up leaving it till the night before. I'm just stressed, well, even more stressed (Oh no, I'm turning into my Dad! :() with having lots to do now that I'm a Year 10.


I should currently be doing the following:


Working on my Game Art portfolio


Creating a user layout

Practising Bass

Practising Didgeridoo


>.> I am terrible, aren't I?


I should be:

~doing social studies notes

~reading six books of the Odyssey and taking notes on them (something I should've finished a week ago)

~doing several pages of math homework

~doing several pages of French homework


So yeah, I'm procrastinating on quite a few things right now.


I just got sent home sick from work (probably not a smart idea to be sick at work when your a doctor....haha), so now I'm procrastinating on the couch with my laptop thinking about all the things I SHOULD be doing while I'm the only one home, but instead, I'm just going to lay here and feel sick and sorry for myself aaaalllll afternoon until hubby gets home with the kids.


Right now I should be doing:


Geometry Homework

Geometry Study Guide

English Homework

English Paper

And/or practicing my music.


But I'm on the inter webs. :D


I should be doing French work, a calculus assignment, a society essay, an experiment write-up & discussion, a random assignment that is not really for any class in particular and studying for end of year exams. On the plus side I just finished an English assignment yesterday.


I should be:


  • Having Family Time
  • Reading English and Mother Tongue Books
  • Doing Book Reviews
  • Practice on My French Horn
  • Sleeping (though it is still early)


:when I'm on some forums! :D


My boyfriend JUST told me to get off Neopets and start doing my homework, how did you know?!

Yeah, 5 page paper, Chicago Manuel Style, due Monday.

I have no idea how to cite it. I also have Chinese and Japanese homework, but that is easy peasy.


So it's true that reecently, I put off this work I was doing for Music. Which has resulted in me getting a B for effort. MUSIC IS MY FAVOURITE LESSON!!! I just found it hard, couldn't find all the answers, and it was boring. I like playing music better, not doing work about it!


I have homework due on Wednesday but I just had a horrible midterm, so I feel well-deserved in watching shows for the evening.


I procrastinate all the time @___@


I should be:

  • sleeping (it's 5AM @___@ )
  • getting my shop running
  • cleaning in general
  • lots of other things

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